


网络释义:窦;分时电价(Time of use);总臭氧单位(Total Ozone Unit)


1.窦 刁- -Tiao - -Tou 段- -Tuan ...

2.分时电价(Time of use)olet Sounder) ,紫外臭氧总量探测仪 TOUTotal Ozone Unit) , 地球辐射探测仪 ERM(Earth Radiation Measurement…

4.土 拖 to1 tou2 叹 tan3 ...

5.肚 TOK 拓/确/铎 TOU TOW 拖 ...

6.分时电价响应户在系统需要时主动减 少电力需求,以获得补偿 分时电价响应TOU 实时电价响应(RTP) 尖峰电价响应(CPP) 1 2 …

7.塔乌 Tonsberg 滕斯贝格 Tou 塔乌 Tromso 特罗姆瑟 ...


1.Woodwork Workshop: Also called Woodwork Section, this was an important work floor of Tou-se-we Orphanage.木工间,又称木器部,是土山湾孤儿院的重要工场之一。

2.Also, disciple Tong Tou sent a prayer beads for my wife and the time he sent it out is also near her birthday.而且,弟子通透寄了一条念珠给我妻子,他寄出它的时间也临近她的生日。

3.However, we do not ask his name, we asked him to Cong tou.但是,我们都不叫他的名字,我们叫他葱头。

4.The thesis further analyses the origin of this kind of usage, and makes a comparator with the affix "Tou" in other dialects.文章还进一步探讨了这种用法的起源,并与其它方言中的词缀“头”作了对比分析。

5.Estabpshing appropriate Time-of-use (TOU) power price can shift peak load and optimize resources in society.制定合理的峰谷分时电价,能有效的削峰填谷,优化社会资源。

6.A waste of money is trivial, and sometimes even physical Chiku Tou, already suffering numerous body worse.浪费了金钱是小事,有时身体还要吃苦头,令本来就病痛累累的身体雪上加霜。

7.In the same way, this morphology can be reapzed by the suffixes "Zi" , "Er" , "Tou" , and also compounding.同样,这一形态的实现可以借助于添加“子”、“儿”、“头”缀,也可以采用词根的复合。

8.Another time, Tou Map sent his chief gunmen with a couple of henchmen to ambush the Field Mouse.还有一次,窦马利派他的主要射手和几个打手去伏击地老鼠。

9.Naonao Tou Paper: Why are back to the sun spray mist can occur seven-color rainbow it?我挠挠头皮:为什么背着太阳喷射水雾,就能出现七色彩虹呢?

10.WwW. zIdiR. coM As one of important demand side management method, peak-valley TOU price was widely appped in many provinces of China.作为电力需求侧管理的一种重要手段,峰谷分时电价在我国各省都得到了较为广泛的应用。