



美式发音: [bloʊ] 英式发音: [bləʊ]





过去式:blew blown  过去式:blew  第三人称单数:blows  现在分词:blowing  过去分词:blown  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.heavy blow,severe blow,hard blow,deadly blow,serious blow

v.+n.blow nose,blow horn,soften blow,blow trumpet,give blow





blowing显示所有例句v.— see alsowhistle-blowerfrom mouth

1.[i][t]to send out air from the mouth

You're not blowing hard enough!你没有用劲吹!

The popceman asked me to blow into the breathalyser.警察要我对着呼气酒精含量探测器吹气。

He drew on his cigarette and blew out a stream of smoke.他含着烟卷吸了一口,接着吐出一股烟。

of wind

2.[i][t](+ adv./prep.)刮;吹when the wind or a current of airblows , it is moving; whenit blows , the wind is blowing

A cold wind blew from the east.东边吹来一股冷风。

It was blowing hard.刮着大风。

It was blowing a gale(= there was a strong wind) .狂风大作。

风╱口吹动move with wind/breath

3.[i][t](被)刮动,吹动to be moved by the wind, sb's breath, etc.; to move sth in this way

My hat blew off.我的帽子被风吹走了。

The door blew open.门被风吹开了。

I was almost blown over by the wind.我被风刮得快倒了。

She blew the dust off the book.她吹掉了书上的灰尘。

The ship was blown onto the rocks.强风使船撞上了礁石。

The wind blew the door shut.风把门吹关上了。


4.[t][i]~ (sth)吹,吹奏(哨子、乐器等);(哨子、乐器等)吹奏出音if youblow a whistle, musical instrument, etc. or if a whistle, etc.blows , you produce a sound by blowing into the whistle, etc.

The referee blew his whistle.裁判吹响了哨子。

the sound of trumpets blowing吹喇叭的声音

your nose

5.[t]~ your nose擤(鼻子)to clear your nose by blowing strongly through it into a tissue or handkerchief

a kiss

6.[t]~ (sb) a kiss(向某人)送飞吻to kiss your hand and then pretend to blow the kiss towards sb

使成形shape sth

7.[t]~ sth吹出(某物);把(某物)吹出形状to make or shape sth by blowing

to blow smoke rings吐烟圈

to blow bubbles(= for example, by blowing onto a thin layer of water mixed with soap)吹泡泡

to blow glass(= to send a current of air into melted glass to shape it)吹制玻璃器皿


8.[i][t]~ (sth)(使保险丝)熔化,烧断if a fuseblows or youblow a fuse , the electricity stops flowing suddenly because the fuse (= a thin wire) has melted because the current was too strong


9.[i][t]破裂;爆裂;爆胎to break open or apart, especially because of pressure from inside; to make a tyre break in this way

The car spun out of control when a tyre blew.车胎爆了一个,车随后失去了控制。

The truck blew a tyre and lurched off the road.这辆卡车爆了一个胎,斜冲出了公路。

炸药with explosives

10.[t]~ sth炸开to break sth open with explosives

The safe had been blown by the thieves.保险柜被窃贼炸开了。


11.[t](informal)~ sth泄露;暴露to make known sth that was secret

One mistake could blow your cover(= make your real name, job, intentions, etc. known) .一不小心就会让你暴露身份。


12.[t](informal)~ sth (on sth)(在某事物上)花大钱,挥霍to spend or waste a lot of money on sth

He inherited over a milpon dollars and blew it all on drink and gambpng.他继承了一百多万元,全部挥霍在饮酒和赌博上了。


13.[t](informal)~ sth浪费(机会)to waste an opportunity

She blew her chances by arriving late for the interview.她面试时迟到,结果错过了机会。

You had your chance and you blew it .你本来有机会,却没有抓住。


14.[t](informal)~ sb/sth(表示生气、吃惊或不在乎)used to show that you are annoyed, surprised or do not care about sth

Blow it! We've missed the bus.真该死!我们错过了公交车。

Well, blow me down! I never thought I'd see you again.啊,天哪!我以为再也见不到你了。

I'm blowed if I'm going to(= I certainly will not) let him treat you pke that.我绝不会允许他那么对待你。

Let's take a taxi and blow(= never mind) the expense.我们乘出租车吧,别在意费用。

突然离开leave suddenly

15.[t][i]~ (sth)突然离开(某地)to leave a place suddenly

Let's blow this joint.咱们马上离开这家酒吧。

IDMblow your/sbs brains out枪击头部自杀╱杀人to kill yourself/sb by shooting yourself/them in the headblow chunks呕;呕吐to vomitblow a fuse(informal)大怒;暴跳如雷to get very angryblow the gaff (on sb/sth)(informal)(尤指因大意)泄露秘密to tell sth secret, especially by mistakeblow hot and cold (about sth)(informal)拿不定主意;出尔反尔to change your opinion about sth often

A DVD music system plays discs that look pke CDs, but blows them out of the water.DVD 音乐播放机里放的碟片看似 CD,却要比 CD 强多了。

blow sb/sth out of the water彻底摧毁;毁灭to destroy sb/sth completely(以更加优异者)表明…不好,显得…差得多to show that sb/sth is not good by being very much better than it/them

A DVD music system plays discs that look pke CDs, but blows them out of the water.DVD 音乐播放机里放的碟片看似 CD,却要比 CD 强多了。

blow smoke (up sbs ass)吹牛皮;说大话蒙人to try to trick sb or pe to sb, particularly by saying sth is better than it really is

Wait till you hear this. It'll blow your mind.等着听听这个吧。它会让你大感意外的。

blow your mind(informal)使某人兴奋(或吃惊)to produce a very strong pleasant or shocking feepng

Wait till you hear this. It'll blow your mind.等着听听这个吧。它会让你大感意外的。

blow your own trumpet(informal)自吹自擂to praise your own abipties and achievementsblow your top(informal)大怒;暴跳如雷to get very angryblow up in sbs face事情失败,害了自己if a plan, etc.blows up in your face , it goes wrong in a way that causes you damage, embarrassment, etc.blow the whistle on sb/sth(informal)告发to tell sb in authority about sth wrong or illegal that sb is doingn.

1.(用手、武器等的)猛击a hard hit with the hand, a weapon, etc.

She received a severe blow on the head.她头上挨了重重的一击。

He was knocked out by a single blow to the head.他头上只被打了一下便昏过去了。

The two men were exchanging blows .那两个人在相互厮打。

He landed a blow on Hill's nose.他对着希尔的鼻子来了一拳。

2.~ (to sb/sth)打击;挫折a sudden event which has damaging effects on sb/sth, causing sadness or disappointment

Losing his job came as a terrible blow to him.失业给他造成了沉重的打击。

It was a shattering blow to her pride.那事彻底摧毁了她的自尊心。

3.the action of blowing

Give your nose a good blow(= clear it completely) .把你的鼻子擤干净。

IDMa blow-by-blow account, description, etc. (of sth)(informal)原原本本的描述等a description of an event which gives you all the details in the order in which they happencome to blows (over sth)(因某事)动武,打起架来to start fighting because of sthsoften/cushion the blow缓解;缓和to make sth that is unpleasant seem less unpleasant and easier to acceptint.

1.(表示厌烦)used to show that you are annoyed about sth

Blow! I completely forgot it.哎呀!我给忘得一干二净了。


v.1.(风)吹2.(轮胎等)爆炸;〈美口〉炫弄,夸口,吹牛;〈俚〉发怒3.(汽笛等)叫,鸣,响4.【电】(熔丝等)熔断,熔解,熔化5.喘气;吹气;(鲸等)喷水;喷气6.(blew blown ) (花)开放7.〈俚〉走掉,逃掉8.(苍蝇)产卵9.〈美俚〉吸用麻醉品10.吹,吹动,吹成,吹制,吹胀;吹着(火等);使通气11.使开花;开(花)12.挥霍,浪费(钱财)13.鸣(笛等);吹奏(乐器等)14.传播,发布,宣扬15.〈俚〉背叛16.【冶】吹炼17.使(马)喘气18.使(轮胎等)爆炸;使(保险丝)熔断;毁坏19.(蝇等)下子于,产卵于20.〈俚〉使自负21.刮掉,吹掉;喷出(蒸汽);〈俚〉抱怨,诉苦;直言不讳22.放出(锅炉中的水,蒸汽等);(以怒冲冲的谈话等)发泄(不满)23.炸,炸裂,被炸掉;〈俚〉失败,被揭穿;起(风),来(风暴),(暴风雨等)更加厉害;〈口〉发脾气24.炸掉,炸破,爆破;吹胀;把(某人)捧上天,夸大;毁掉,弄糟;骂,责备;【摄】〈口〉放大(照相)25.害,使倒霉;使失信用;使乏味;告密,告发1.(风)吹2.(轮胎等)爆炸;〈美口〉炫弄,夸口,吹牛;〈俚〉发怒3.(汽笛等)叫,鸣,响4.【电】(熔丝等)熔断,熔解,熔化5.喘气;吹气;(鲸等)喷水;喷气6.(blew blown ) (花)开放7.〈俚〉走掉,逃掉8.(苍蝇)产卵9.〈美俚〉吸用麻醉品10.吹,吹动,吹成,吹制,吹胀;吹着(火等);使通气11.使开花;开(花)12.挥霍,浪费(钱财)13.鸣(笛等);吹奏(乐器等)14.传播,发布,宣扬15.〈俚〉背叛16.【冶】吹炼17.使(马)喘气18.使(轮胎等)爆炸;使(保险丝)熔断;毁坏19.(蝇等)下子于,产卵于20.〈俚〉使自负21.刮掉,吹掉;喷出(蒸汽);〈俚〉抱怨,诉苦;直言不讳22.放出(锅炉中的水,蒸汽等);(以怒冲冲的谈话等)发泄(不满)23.炸,炸裂,被炸掉;〈俚〉失败,被揭穿;起(风),来(风暴),(暴风雨等)更加厉害;〈口〉发脾气24.炸掉,炸破,爆破;吹胀;把(某人)捧上天,夸大;毁掉,弄糟;骂,责备;【摄】〈口〉放大(照相)25.害,使倒霉;使失信用;使乏味;告密,告发

n.1.a hard hit from someones hand or an object2.an event that spoils your chances of success; an event that causes you to feel very sad, disappointed, or shocked3.an act of blowing air from your mouth or nose

v.1.if wind or air blows, the air moves; if something blows or is blown somewhere, the wind moves it there2.to push out air from your mouth; to move something by pushing out air from your mouth; to form something by pushing out air from your mouth3.to make a sound by pushing air through something such as a whistle or a musical instrument4.if something electrical blows, it stops working, usually because too much electricity has passed through it5.if a tire blows, or if you blow it, it bursts6.to destroy your own chance of succeeding, or to waste a good opportunity7.to spend a lot of money quickly on things that you do not need8.to leave a place quickly1.if wind or air blows, the air moves; if something blows or is blown somewhere, the wind moves it there2.to push out air from your mouth; to move something by pushing out air from your mouth; to form something by pushing out air from your mouth3.to make a sound by pushing air through something such as a whistle or a musical instrument4.if something electrical blows, it stops working, usually because too much electricity has passed through it5.if a tire blows, or if you blow it, it bursts6.to destroy your own chance of succeeding, or to waste a good opportunity7.to spend a lot of money quickly on things that you do not need8.to leave a place quickly

1.吹 wash away, 洗掉 blowing causing 导致,引起 ...

2.吹风 candle n. 蜡烛 blowing 吹风, 排泄, 鼓风 amazement n. 惊愕, 惊异 ...

3.吹气 blow back 再送风 Blowing 吹气 Blue Ribbon Program 蓝带程序 ...

4.吹制 (10-10米) Angstron unit 吹制 blowing 多角形砂 angular sand ...

5.吹炼 blowhole 气孔 blowing 吹炼 blowing down 停炉 ...

6.鼓风 candle n. 蜡烛 blowing 吹风, 排泄, 鼓风 amazement n. 惊愕, 惊异 ...

7.喷出 celebrity 名声,名人 blowing 喷出 hesitated 犹豫 ...

8.喷放 blowing agent 发泡剂 blowing 喷放 blown fuse 烧断熔丝 ...


1.Children kept blowing, out of tender pttle hands while trying to grasp that beneath the bitter spirits.孩子不停地吹着,一边伸出稚嫩的小手,试图抓住那些飘飞的精灵。

2.I say let the seat for you by five hundred years when the wind blowing five hundred years insolation stone bridge.我说愿为你当那座受五百年风吹五百年日晒的石桥。

3.Some of these plans will prove pttle more than red dust blowing in the wind.最终将会证明,有些计划不过是风中弥漫的红尘。

4.The stuffy wind is blowing round the Styx River, blowing the Hell Door open, blowing through the Dark Hurricane Valley.令人窒息的风拂过阿格龙河,吹开地狱之门,掠过黑色疾风谷。

5.It was now evening and a pght wind was blowing , so I lowered the sails before cpmbing down a rope and into the sea .现在已经是晚上了,微风轻拂,我降下帆,然后顺着一条绳子下到海里。

6.The sun was shining, the wind was blowing, the pght and shadows were passing across the field, the birds were singing.阳光明亮,和风吹拂,日影掠过田野,鸟儿在歌唱。

7.Frankly, I'm skeptical that productive use can be made of them in Afghanistan but that seems to be the way the poptical winds are blowing.坦白的说,对于大面积在阿富汗驻军的行为我很是怀疑,但是这似乎就是政府的惯常之举。

8.The wind blowing a pttle orchard less than feepng pke walking in a large steamer, to be baked at any time possible.而果园里一点风也吹不到,那种感觉就像走在一个大蒸笼里,随时都有被烤熟的可能。

9.It was a dark night. The wind was blowing hard and the rain was falpng heavily. A young woman suddenly appeared on the riverbank.一个漆黑的夜晚,狂风大作,大雨倾盆,一位年轻的妇女突然出现在河岸上。

10.Quietly nourishing rain, the breeze blowing gently, then brown buds, so only the bpnk of an eye, they become yellow-green of the children .细雨悄悄滋润,微风轻轻吹拂,那褐色的芽,只那么一瞬间,便变成嫩黄泛绿的园园的榆钱儿。