



美式发音: [tʊr] 英式发音: [tʊə(r)]




复数:tours  现在分词:touring  过去式:toured  搭配同义词

v.+n.organize tour,operate tour


v.travel around,sightsee,explore,go around,go round





n.1.a trip in which you visit several places for pleasure; a trip in which a person or group visits several different places in order to play or perform; a trip in which a politician or leader visits several places as a representative of their country or in order to get support2.a short trip around a building or place in order to see what is there

v.1.to visit a place on a tour; if a show, play, or concert tours, it is performed in several different places

na.1.The variant of packageholiday

1.旅行 tourism circles 旅游界 touring 游览 touring club 旅游俱乐部 ...

4.旅游 公务/商务 Business 旅游 Touring 售票处购票 Ticket Booking Office ...

5.巡航车012年哈雷戴维森把原先的5大车系减至4个,分别是旅行车系Touring)、软尾车系(Softail)、戴纳车系(Dyna)、以及 …

7.漫游 tradition 传统 27. touring 巡回演出 1. legislation 立法 2. ...


1.While Aaron was touring Argentina, a fan took the window washer up to his hotel room and started banging on his window trying to get in.当Aaron在阿根廷旅游时,一个歌迷想进入他所住旅馆的房间,于是尝试用窗擦打破他的窗子。

2.Closeted from outside world, he spent his early years touring clubs and colleges and performing up to twenty concerts a week.最初几年,他在旅游俱乐部和学院中过着与世隔绝的表演生涯,甚至多达每周二十场。

3.Some could argue he's got such a talent, why aren't we doing more for him in terms of touring galleries every weekend.有人可能质询他这么有天才,为什么我们不为他做得更多些,诸如每个周末环游各个画廊。

4.I love meeting people like him wo are just fans of music and are ready to do whatever to help the touring band.我最喜欢是认识这个样的人–就是一个很简单音乐的歌迷!他对我们非常热情和非常好!

5.But just as apparent as people's desire to go out for touring is their ignorance of their obligation to protect natural beauty.但同样明显的是人的欲望出去旅游是无知的义务保护自然美。

6.Chen was concerned about missing the touring concert for doctor had told him to rest his voice for half a year.陈楚生非常担心他将会失去这次巡回演唱的机会,因为医生告诉他要让他的嗓子休息半年。

7.The 51-year-old flew out on Friday after spending nearly a week touring her Raising Malawi Academy and local orphanages.这名51岁的明星在花近一周的时间巡回自己的“养育马拉维学院”和本地孤儿院后于周五离开。

8.An American touring the Sahara was dressed in a bathing suit. A Bedouin gazed at him in amazement.一个美国人在撒哈拉沙漠旅行。他身上穿着一身游泳衣。一个游牧民诧异地看着他。

9.Just going back to touring, you know. Playing guitar and touring is what I miss the most.我会去旅行,你知道,弹吉他,旅游可是我最想做的事。

10.From this point forward our priorities are getting this album done, and getting out on the road touring.从这个角度提出我们的优先事项是越来越这张专辑做的,和失控对道路旅游。