


美式发音: [ˈbɪdɪŋ] 英式发音: ['bɪdɪŋ]








1.(尤指拍卖中的)出价,喊价the act of offering prices, especially at an auction

There was fast bidding between private collectors and dealers.私人收藏家和交易商急速竞相喊价。

Several companies remained in the bidding .有几家公司仍在竞价。

2.投标the act of offering to do sth or to provide sth for a particular price

competitive bidding for the contract这一合同的竞标

3.叫牌the process of stating the number of points that players think they will win

4.请求;吩咐;命令what sb asks or orders you to do

to do sb's bidding(= to obey sb)服从某人



n.1.the process of making bids for things, for example at an auctionan event where things are sold to the person who offers the most money

v.1.The present participle of bid

1.投标 Bidders Source Selection 投标人来源选择 Bidding 投标 Bidding Strategy 投标策略 ...

2.出价 beforehand ad. 事先地 bidding n. 命令,吩咐;(拍卖时的)出价, befriend vt. 把……当作朋友, …

3.命令 bicker v. 争吵 bidding n. 邀请;投标;命令;要求 bigoted adj. 固执己见的 ...

4.招标 招标文件/ Bidding Documents 招标/ Bidding 投标人/ Bidder ...

5.邀请 bicker v. 争吵 bidding n. 邀请;投标;命令;要求 bigoted adj. 固执己见的 ...

6.招投标英语基础听说900句 Part56-60 五十六、招投标Bidding) 1.A contractor bidding for a construction is required to prepare m…

7.竞价 Benchmark 测试基准 Bidding 竞标 Bio 个人简历 ...


1.The company said the plane, the camera starts at $ 286, 000, in the fierce bidding bid after it was bought by an Asian collector.该公司表示,这架相机起价是286000美元,在激烈的出价竞标后,被一位亚洲收藏家买走。

2.It was good enough to beat out all the competitors mentioned above in a recent bidding process in the United Arab Emirates.这已足够打败所有在阿拉伯联合酋长国最近投标过程的上述竞争对手。

3.Does Australia really need such a lousy state like the USA to do its bidding in the southern hemisphere?澳大利亚真的需要像美国这样一个流氓国家到南半球来竞标?

4.Russia will get a new president (probably), but the petulantly pugnacious Vladimir Putin has no intention of bidding farewell to power.俄罗斯将有一位新总统产生,但任性好斗的弗拉基米尔•普京(VladimirPutin)无意告别权力。

5.Except, perhaps, to hope that Mr. Ho, or somebody like him, might be bidding on the other end of a telephone line next Monday.或许最终的希望在于何先生,或是其他像他一样的人,下周在电话的另一头喊出报价。

6.However, people close to the bidding said the company tried to win another cycle as a global sponsor but was outbid by Acer.不过,知情人士称,联想本想再赢得一轮全球赞助商资格,但出价低于宏碁。

7.There was a terrible fracas , and, though at her mother's bidding Amy made contrite apology, Jo refused to be pacified.接着是一场大吵大闹,尽管在母亲的严命下,艾米作了忏悔性的道歉,乔却不肯罢休。

8.Contain developers disorderly pricing, bidding up the price, or even a day two price of irregularities, has come to the point of it.遏制开发商乱定价、哄抬价格,甚至一天两价的违规行为,已经到了刻不容缓的地步。

9.Ancient texts and applications have been used to generate energies to serve the bidding of those who call such into being.远古的文本和应用已经被用来产生能量服务那些叫这些形成的人的命令。

10.I your hostess am bidding you to find your love and shine your light for I shall be rising- WITH OR WITHOUT YOU.我,你们的女主人,祝你们找到你们的爱,散发出你们的光,因为我会升起—带着或不带着你们。