


美式发音: [ˈtʊrɪst] 英式发音: [ˈtʊərɪst]



复数:tourists  搭配同义词

adj.+n.foreign tourist,american tourist,popular tourist,french tourist,German tourist

v.+n.attract tourist




1.旅游者;观光者;游客a person who is travelpng or visiting a place for pleasure

busloads of foreign tourists一车一车的外国观光客

a popular tourist attraction/destination/resort为游客所喜爱的旅游景点╱目的地╱胜地

the tourist industry/sector旅游业╱部门

Further information is available from the local tourist office .进一步详情可向当地的旅游办事处查询。

2.(在国外参加)巡回比赛的运动队队员a member of a sports team that is playing a series of official games in a foreign country


n.1.someone who is visiting a place on vacation; relating to tourists2.tourist class

1.旅游者 旅行推销员 commercial traveller 旅游者 tourist 旅行指南 itinerary ...

2.游客 Tax Free,duty free 免税 Tourist 游客 Visa 签证 ...

3.旅行者 pen pal 笔友 tourist 旅行者 people 人物 ...

4.观光者 1126 part n 部分 1127 tourist n 旅游者,观光者 1128 go back phr. 回去 ...

5.观光客 tour 周□ tourist 观光客 tournament 竞技 ...

6.旅客 Thailand n. 泰国 tourist n. 旅行者;旅客 Italy n. 意大利 ...

7.游人 presidency n. 总统任期之年 tourist n. 旅游者, 游人 naturally ad. 自然地, 惯常地 ...

8.旅行家在台湾我们以自创”旅行家(TOURIST)”品牌行销於各通路,历经十几年的发展业已在机能性产品领域获得消费者的肯定与喜爱, …


1.about in the gate two sides are exhibiting the clear Qian Longyear the fine quantity and said the sundial (free opens to tourist).阙左右门内两侧陈列着清乾隆年间嘉量和曰晷(均免费向游人开放)。

2.The tourist season in Canada, which used to be mainly in the summer months, is now all the year round.加拿大的旅游季节以前主要是在夏季,现在一年四季都是。

3.Now, with a bit of TLC, Tonka is being nursed back to full strength in time for the popular tourist attraction to reopen this weekend.现在,在爱的照顾下,Tonka正在渐渐的恢复,等待着动物保护区重新开放以满满的状态迎接游客。

4.She quite enjoyed the sensation of bovine ignorance with which the Cook's tourist surrenders himself into the hands of a custodian.她很欣赏那个库克观光者沉溺于听管理人员的话时那种迟钝无知的感觉。

5.A disturbing video of a British tourist carrying out a drunken sex attack on a woman in China has caused outrage after it was posted onpne.一名英国游客酒后性侵犯一名女子的令人不安的视频传上网后在中国引发众怒。

6.It's a tourist spot and a shrine that celebrates the defeat of the last of Jews at Masada, the fortress that Herod the Great had built.成为了旅游景点及圣地,纪念最后一批犹太人在马萨达战败,大希律王建造的堡垒。

7.She told me that she had already got the tourist cards and relevant papers for Canada from an agency.她告诉我说她已经从一家旅行社搞到了去加拿大的旅游证和相关的证件。

8.The tourist season in London, which used to be mainly in the summer months, is now all the year round.伦敦的旅游季节过去主要是夏季数月,现在已经遍及全年。

9.He was on his way to a lecture , when a tourist stopped him and asked for direction .他在去听课的路上被一名游客拦住问路。

10.An American tourist in London decides to skip his tour group and explore the city on his own.有个美国的游客,在伦敦的时候,想要脱离他的旅游团,独自一个人在这欧洲古城探险。