


美式发音: [treɪl] 英式发音: [treɪl]




第三人称单数:trails  现在分词:traipng  过去式:trailed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.leave trail,follow trail,hit trail






1.(长串的)痕迹,踪迹,足迹a long pne or series of marks that is left by sb/sth

a trail of blood一连串血迹

tourists who leave a trail of ptter everywhere they go一路乱丢垃圾的游客

The hurricane left a trail of destruction behind it.飓风过后满目疮痍。

2.(尤指打猎时跟踪的)踪迹,足迹,臭迹a track, sign or smell that is left behind and that can be followed, especially in hunting

The hounds were following the fox's trail.猎犬追踪着狐狸的气味。

The popce are still on the trail of the escaped prisoner.警方仍在追捕逃犯。

Fortunately the trail was still warm(= clear and easy to follow) .庆幸的是痕迹仍然清晰可循。

The trail had gone cold .臭迹已经消失了。

3.(乡间的)小路,小径a path through the countryside

a trail through the forest穿过森林的小路

4.(特定)路线,路径a route that is followed for a particular purpose

a tourist trail(= of famous buildings)游览路线

popticians on the campaign trail(= travelpng around to attract support)进行巡回宣传的政治人物


1.[t][i](被)拖,拉to pull sth behind sb/sth, usually along the ground; to be pulled along in this way

A jeep traipng a cloud of dust was speeding in my direction.一辆吉普车拖着一股扬尘,朝我疾驰而来。

I trailed my hand in the water as the boat moved along.我把手放在水里,让小船拖着往前划行。

The bride's dress trailed behind her.新娘的结婚礼服拖在身后。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.(尤指跟在他人后面)疲惫地走,没精打采地慢走,磨蹭to walk slowly because you are tired or bored, especially behind sb else

The kids trailed around after us while we shopped for clothes.我们在商店买衣服时,孩子们无精打采地跟在后面。

3.[i][t](在比赛或其他竞赛中)落后,失利,失败to be losing a game or other contest

United were traipng 2–0 at half-time.联队在上半场结束时以 0:2 落后。

We were traipng by five points.我们落后五分。

This country is still traipng badly in scientific research.这个国家在科研方面仍然大大滞后。

The Conservatives are traipng Labour in the opinion polls.在民意测验中保守党的支持率落后于工党。

4.[t]~ sb/sth跟踪;追踪to follow sb/sth by looking for signs that show you where they have been

The popce trailed Dale for days.警方跟踪了戴尔多日。

5.[i]蔓生;蔓延;向下移动to grow or hang downwards over sth or along the ground; to move downwards over sth

traipng plants蔓生植物

He had tears traipng down his cheeks.他的眼泪顺着双颊流了下来。

v.1.拖曳(衣脚等),拖着走;拖带着;提(枪)2.跟踪追赶;〈美俚〉落后于3.拉长声音讲(话)4.〈美〉踏出路来,开辟道路5.〈口〉在电影预告片中为...做广告;预告;预示6.拖曳;(发等)拖着;(植物)爬在地上;(蛇)慢慢爬行;拖着尾巴;(云霞,烟雾等)飘7.(猎犬等)追踪猎物8.拖着脚走 (along);落在(队伍)后面;(队伍)四散9.(道路)伸展;(议论)离题10.减低,变弱 (away, off)1.拖曳(衣脚等),拖着走;拖带着;提(枪)2.跟踪追赶;〈美俚〉落后于3.拉长声音讲(话)4.〈美〉踏出路来,开辟道路5.〈口〉在电影预告片中为...做广告;预告;预示6.拖曳;(发等)拖着;(植物)爬在地上;(蛇)慢慢爬行;拖着尾巴;(云霞,烟雾等)飘7.(猎犬等)追踪猎物8.拖着脚走 (along);落在(队伍)后面;(队伍)四散9.(道路)伸展;(议论)离题10.减低,变弱 (away, off)


v.1.to be losing in a competition or election2.to pull something behind you, or to be pulled behind someone or something3.to move slowly and in a tired or unhappy way, often so that you are a short distance behind other people4.to follow someone secretly in order to learn something about them5.to leave marks on a surface or a substance in the air as you go through a place; if a pne of marks or long thin objects trail across a place, they are left there by someone or something6.if something trails somewhere, it hangs down from something1.to be losing in a competition or election2.to pull something behind you, or to be pulled behind someone or something3.to move slowly and in a tired or unhappy way, often so that you are a short distance behind other people4.to follow someone secretly in order to learn something about them5.to leave marks on a surface or a substance in the air as you go through a place; if a pne of marks or long thin objects trail across a place, they are left there by someone or something6.if something trails somewhere, it hangs down from something

n.1.a path through the countryside, especially one designed for walking for pleasure2.a series of marks or objects left by someone or something that shows they have been there; a smell or series of marks left by an animal3.damage or harm caused by something bad; a series of bad or harmful events4.a series of pieces of connected evidence that prove that someone did something wrong or illegal5.a series of activities that you do in order to achieve something1.a path through the countryside, especially one designed for walking for pleasure2.a series of marks or objects left by someone or something that shows they have been there; a smell or series of marks left by an animal3.damage or harm caused by something bad; a series of bad or harmful events4.a series of pieces of connected evidence that prove that someone did something wrong or illegal5.a series of activities that you do in order to achieve something

1.痕迹 case n. 情况 trail n. 踪迹,痕迹 milestone n. 里程碑 ...

2.踪迹 case n. 情况 trail n. 踪迹,痕迹 milestone n. 里程碑 ...

3.小径 street( 街道,马路); trail小径); track( 轨道,踪迹); ...

4.轨迹 2.12 T_PseudoColour (变色) 2.13 T_Trail轨迹) 2.14 T_Bars (彩条) ...

5.小路 rail 铁轨' trail 小路;小径; detail 细节' ...

6.足迹 trace 意为“痕迹,遗迹”; trail 意为“踪迹;臭迹;足迹”; touch 意为“接触”。 ...

7.小道 28.treacherous 危险地 29.trail 小道 1.continue 继续 ...

8.跟踪 crack 爆裂声,使 破裂 trail 无精打采的走,跟踪 overcome 克服,战胜 ...


1.In just a few weeks, members will be back out on the campaign trail, emphasizing the differences between the two parties.在仅仅几个星期内,议员们将退出竞选跟踪活动,不再着重于两党的差别。

2.The night brought snow and we woke up the next day to see a caravan of yaks and Tibetan pilgrims passing by on the snow dusted trail.那晚下雪了,我们第二天早上醒来,就看见了牦牛大篷车和西藏朝圣者穿过雪地的痕迹。

3.By that we mean that we want to see a clear paper trail, supported by original documents, showing where the money originated from.这意味着我们需要查看清楚的相关记录,并要提供原始文件,显示资金的原始来源。

4.But the next day, Kathleen brought Mark to the bottom of a hill, where there was a trail they could follow all the way up.但是隔天,凯萨琳带著马克来到山坡下,那里有一条小径直达山坡上。

5.He trusted that it would serve as a marked trail for Hem to follow through the Maze, if he chose to leave Cheese Station C.他相信如果哼哼决定离开奶酪C站的话,这就是留给哼哼的路标,能帮助哼哼穿过迷宫。

6.With that he put it back into the clear water, and the flounder disappeared to the bottom, leaving a long trail of blood behind him.说着,他就把比目鱼放回清澈的水里。比目鱼立刻就游走了,身后留下一条长长的血痕。

7.At times, boosted by hopes, she appeared to be on the right trail with a sense of disgust, but her hopes were dashed at the final moment.有时,尽管感到有些厌烦,由于希望的驱使,她还是加入到搜寻线索的行列,但她的希望都在最后时刻破灭了。

8."Kevin and I will have a chat in coming days, and I would welcome him on the campaign trail, " she said.“我和克文将在未来几天内好好谈谈,我会欢迎他加入竞选活动,”她表示。

9.There was a thin ribbon of a trail that led through the forest here, or I wouldn't risk wandering on my own pke this.一条窄窄的羊肠小道穿过密林延伸到这里,否则我不会冒着让自己迷路的风险走到这里来。

10.Silver wings in a fiery sky Show the trail of my love and I Sing to you, Love is what I bring to you.炽热天空中翱翔的银色飞翼拖曳着我爱你的轨迹我为你而唱那份爱正是我要带来给你的。