


美式发音: [ˈtaʊr] 英式发音: [ˈtaʊə(r)]




复数:towers  现在分词:towering  过去式:towered  搭配同义词

adj.+n.steel tower,tall tower,south tower,residential tower,electrical tower

v.+n.build tower,radio tower

v.loom,overlook,be head and shoulders above,soar,rise



tower显示所有例句n.— see alsocontrol tower,coopng tower,ivory tower,watchtower,water tower

1.塔;建筑物的塔形部分;(尤指教堂或城堡的)塔楼a tall narrow building or part of a building, especially of a church or castle

a clock/bell tower钟楼

the Tower of London伦敦塔

the Eiffel Tower埃菲尔铁塔

2.(电视或无线电信号的)发射塔a tall structure used for sending television or radio signals

a television tower电视塔

3.高柜;高架子a tall piece of furniture used for storing things

a CD tower光盘柜

IDMa tower of strength(危难时的)可依靠的人,主心骨a person that you can rely on to help, protect and comfort you when you are in troublev.


v.1.高耸 (above);胜过;(鹰等)翱翔;(负伤的鸟)笔直飞上去


n.1.a tall narrow structure or building that stands alone; a tall narrow structure that forms the highest part of a church or other building2.a tall narrow box that contains the parts of a computer that do most of its work

v.1.to be much taller than someone or something else2.to be much better, more famous, more important etc. than other people or things of a similar kind

na.1.The variant of Towers

1.塔 destroy vt 摧毁;毁坏 tower n ;城堡 national adj 国家的;民族的 ...

2.塔楼 秒杀 Reaction 塔楼 Tower 准点 Velocity ...

3.城堡 destroy vt 摧毁;毁坏 tower n 塔;城堡 national adj 国家的;民族的 ...

4.高塔、主发电机(Primary generator)、塔架(Tower),除此之外,还具备自动迎风转向、叶片旋角控制及监控保护等功能。

6.塔台 tone n. 腔调;色调;气氛 tower n. 塔 v.高耸 train n. 列车;一连串;尾部 ...

8.高楼 towel 毛巾 tower 塔;高楼 town 城镇 ...


1.Tower 42 would be the company's first large commercial property acquisition in London.42号大厦将成为该公司在伦敦收购的首个大型商业地产。

2.I had never been before and with such summits as the Eiffel Tower on offer it just had to be done.我还没有去过巴黎也没有登顶过埃菲尔铁塔,邀请里可是承诺了这点。

3.And Jehovah came down to see the city and the tower which the children of men had built.耶和华降临,要看看世人所建造的城和塔。

4.I would never have bepeved it of any of you. Mr. Filch says you were up in the astronomy tower.我真不敢相信是你们几个人。费尔奇说你们到天文塔上去了。

5.For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy.因为你作过我的避难所,作过我的坚固台,脱离仇敌。

6.He around the Eiffel Tower, take a look here, look over there, sometimes shaking his head smiled, sometimes Dudunangnang.他围着铁塔,这边看看,那边瞧瞧,有时摇摇头笑笑,有时又嘟嘟囔囔。

7.It occurred to me that how much Zifeng Tower remind me of Diwang Tower in Shenzhen.仰望着紫峰,我想起了深圳的地王大厦。

8.After nine years at Bell labs, I decided to leave that warm, cozy ivory tower for what I considered to be the "real world, " a university.在贝尔实验室待了9年后,我决定离开这个温暖舒适的象牙塔,走进我眼中的“真实世界”——大学。

9.Located in the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower, which is often called the CN Tower for short.加拿大国家电视塔位于多伦多市中心,通常简称为CN塔。

10.Gone are the days when the university was an ivory tower in which scholars pursued knowledge as an end rather than a means to an end.从前,大学是一个象牙塔,学者追求的是学问本身而不是把学问作为达到目的的手段,但这样的时代已经一去不复返了。