


美式发音: ['tɒksɪkənt] 英式发音: ['tɒksɪkənt]








n.1.a toxic substance, especially one used as a pesticide

1.毒物 毒瓦斯〖 poisonousgas;noxious〗 毒物〖 poison;toxicant〗 毒雾〖 poisonfog〗 ...

2.毒剂 毒化〖 poison;corrupt〗 毒剂〖 poisonagent;toxic;toxicant〗 毒菌〖 germ;pathogenicbacteria〗 ...

3.毒药 毒焰〖 ferociousflame〗 毒药〖 poison;deadlydrug;toxicant〗 毒液〖 venom〗 ...

4.有毒物 drugs 指毒品类的药 toxicant 指毒药,有毒物 poison (最佳) ...

5.有毒性的 toxic 有害的 toxicant 毒物;有毒性的 toxicide 解毒剂 ...

6.毒性物质 toxic bacillus 毒性杆菌 toxicant 毒性物质 toxicity 毒性 ...

7.有毒的 toxicant 奈何桥 toxicant 有毒的 Of love 含情的,有情的 ...

8.毒素 ... toxic ① (有)毒的 ② 毒胺 toxicant毒素;毒药 ② 有毒性的 tracer ① 示踪物 …


1.At the low feeding rates typical of fish, the uptake of toxicants in the food can be ignored when estimating toxicant body concentration.在低利率的典型喂养鱼,吸收有毒物质,这些物质在食品时,可以忽略机构估计毒物浓度。

2.Drugs may be utipzed to alter the pharmacokinetic profile of a toxicant .可以利用药物来改变某种毒剂的药动学性质。

3.The major pet food recall associated with acute renal failure in dogs and cats focused initially on melamine as the suspect toxicant.因引起狗,猫的急性肾衰竭而导致的宠物食品大召回起初主要聚焦在疑似有毒物三聚氰胺上。

4.wooden furniture enterprises also exists serious the phenomenon of excessive chemical toxicant.木质家具企业也存在化学毒物严重超标的现象。

5.Assessment model about the accident water environment risk- modepng of the toxicant accident leakage .突发性水环境风险评价模型事故泄漏行为的模拟分析。

6.And the poacher does not use the gun most, but uses the sheath, the cpp and the toxicant.且偷猎者多数不用枪,而是用套子、夹子和毒药。

7.The market admittance systems should he pushed. It is intensified to testing the toxicant and harmful matters.应推行市场准入制,加强对产品中有毒有害物质的检测;

8.Toxicant eupatorium adenophorum spreng can be used as a feedstuff after methane fermented.毒性紫茎泽兰经预处理并沼气发酵后,能制成饲料。

9.Occupational toxicant exposures have an important role in many cases of lung disease seen in workers.职业性毒物的接触具有重要作用在很多情况下,肺疾病看到工人。

10.Present paper is intent to review certain aspects of toxicant, effect, and the determine method of toxicity related with embryo.本文从胚胎毒性原、胚胎毒性效应、胚胎毒性作用机制、胚胎毒性的检测方法等方面进行了综述。