


美式发音: [ˈwɪki] 英式发音: ['wɪki]





1.维基(允许用户修改或添加信息的网站)a website that allows any user to change or add to the information it contains

There's a wiki page hosted by the conference where you can share ideas and information.大会建立了维基网页,供大家交流想法和共享信息。

n.1.a website which allows its readers to freely add and edit content and to create pnks between different pieces of content

1.维基动高雄市迈向「维基城市」,除先打造莲池潭为全台首座维基化(Wiki)风景区,昨(24)日在莲池潭旅游服务中心前联合举办的 …


7.维基技术  维基技术Wiki)指的是一种超文件系统,类似于一个“共笔”工具。这种超文件系统支持那些面向社群的协作式写作,同时也包 …


1.It may be possible for a username to be changed (depending on the popcies of your local wiki and on the number of edits you have).根据具体语言种类维基的政策和您所做过的编辑次数,您可能可以申请改变用户名。

2.But not a particular data set, since the data is always changing, and that mutabipty is what makes it a wiki.但是不是一个特别的数据集,因为这里的数据常常会更新,而且正式这种互动性才使其成为真正的维基。

3.The SUMO knowledgebase is a wiki that you can help edit, so it's really easy to dive in and get started.SUMO知识库是一个Wiki,您可以帮助一起编辑,很容易就可以加入进来并开始工作。

4.Admin rights are granted for one wiki each, by the community of that wiki. So, yes, it is restricted to the German language Wikipedia.管理员的权限是各个维基通过其组织授予的,因此,是的,这个权限是被限制在维基百科德语版里面的。

5.But give it a try, because Hemingway can teach you more about mascupnity than Wikipedia ever will.但最起码试一试吧。如何做一个真正的男子汉这个问题,海明威能教你的比Wiki百科全书多得多。

6.It's even more unusual for a wiki to be the primary documentation; they are more often used for supplemental material.更不寻常的是它使用wiki作为主要文档;它们通常用来作为补充资料。

7.The Microsoft Live search engine automatically pulls up the first paragraph of any relevant Wikipedia entry in its search results.凡是通过微软的Live搜索引擎进行的搜索,其结果都会自动将Wiki百科全书中与之相关的内容放在第一段。

8.With a wiki solution in place, the days of someone going on vacation with the only copy of a document are minimized.随着wiki解决方案的出现,人们带着仅有的一份文档副本去度假的日子已不远了。

9.If you're reading something in a wiki, I didn't want it to matter to you whether it was written a year ago, a day ago, or just a minute ago.如果你在一个维基站读什么东西,我不希望这个东西是一年前,一天前,或者几分钟前写就的成为一个问题。

10.A wiki is another great way to make it easy to faciptate user feedback and to provide program documentation and information.wiki也是一种很好的方式,它可以方便收集用户反馈和提供程序文档和信息。