

trace back

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1.追溯 ...  列表式运算( tabular computation)  路径回溯traceback)  判断程式是否会停的问题( halting problem) ...

5.回溯引用击防护措施 攻击防护措施 DDoS 攻击回复  追踪攻击发源地 (Traceback)  I-TRACE, SPIE(Hash-based traceback)  PPM…

7.跟踪信息 print('PapayaWhip') ① PapayaWh...


1.The preceding part of the error message shows the context where the exception happened, in the form of a stack traceback.错误信息的前面部分显示了异常发生的上下文,并以调用栈的形式显示具体信息。

2.The btp command takes a process ID as an argument and does a stack traceback for that particular process.btp命令将进程标识作为参数,并对这个特定进程进行堆栈回溯。

3.Traceback schemes used in Viterbi decoders can be categorized as multi-pointer method and one-pointer method.腓特比解码器使用多指标回溯法或单指标回溯法作为回溯架构。

4.If the test method does not run as anticipated, we will get an error (and a traceback describing the error).如果测试方法没有按预期运行,我们将得到一个错误(以及描述这个错误的回溯)。

5.The FDA has completed the traceback for some of the tomatoes associated with the salmonella outbreak.美国食品及药物管理局(FDA)已经完成对一些与沙门氏菌病爆发有关的番茄的追踪。

6.Otherwise, it assumes the provided address as a vapd stack frame start address and attempts to traceback.否则,它假定所提供的地址是有效的堆栈帧起始地址并设法进行回溯。

7.The docstrings processed by doctest can contain tracebacks within them, but a better approach to special cases is to utipze unittest.由doctest处理的文档字符串可能会在其内部包含回溯(traceback),但是在特别的情况下,更好的方法是使用unittest。

8.You need to add a flag to run run -e so that you can avoid getting a traceback to the unittest module in the IPython shell.您需要添加一个标记以运行run-e,这样一来,您就可以在IPythonShell中避免回溯到单元测试模块。

9.Meanwhile, the FDA will continue to collect samples of tomatoes and conduct traceback activities.同时,FDA将继续收集西红柿样品,并进行追踪活动。

10.After media verification it may give a Traceback error in the blue area of the screen.在验证媒体之后,它可能会在屏幕上的蓝色区域显示一个Traceback错误。