


美式发音: [ˈtreɪdər] 英式发音: [ˈtreɪdə(r)]



复数:traders  搭配同义词

adj.+n.former trader,senior trader,experienced trader,japanese trader,top trader

v.+n.leave trader




1.商人;经商者;买卖人;证券交易人a person who buys and sells things as a job

small/independent/local traders小的╱独立的╱当地的商人

bond/currency traders债券╱货币交易人


n.1.someone who buys and sells things

1.商人 trade 生意 trader 商人 tradesman 零售商 ...

2.交易员 批发商( wholesaler) 贸易商Trader) 零售商( retailer) ...

4.交易商 交易中心 Electronic Trade Center 交易商 Trader 交货仓库 Transaction Warehouse ...

5.商船 greed n. 贪心;贪婪;贪食 trader n. 商人;商船 unemployment n. 失业(状态);失业众人数 ...

6.交易者亚盘公司大意分为(Into)三类,澳门只身为一类 操盘(Trader)伎俩最为充足精粹,人的活动如果没有理想的鼓舞,就会变得空 …


1.Finally I ended up as an arbitrage trader in New York but in my free time I continued to work on my philosophy.最后,我在纽约套利交易的位置上稳住了。但空闲时我仍然继续我的哲学研究。

2.A trader at a rival firm said the Morgan Stanley trader had been involved in short-term trading over credit index options on the CDX index.一家对手公司的交易员表示,这位摩根士丹利交易员涉足的是CDX指数信贷指数期权方面的短线交易。

3.The goal of any trader is to turn profits on a regular basis, yet so few people ever really make consistent money as traders.每个交易者的目标都是稳定赚钱,但是只有极少数的交易者做到了持续一致地赚钱。

4.By the time it reaches a deep red, the makers reckon, it might be wise for an onpne trader to take a break and cool down.当它变成深红色的时候,发明者认为,对一个在线投资者而言,明智的选择就是,休息一下,将头脑冷静下来。

5.I watched Kim as she spoke to the head trader, clenching my jaw as I held the phone tightly to my ear. My floor broker was at the ready.我盯着金姆和Keefe的首席交易员商量,话筒紧紧贴着耳边,下巴咬得死死的,我的市场经纪人在随时待命。

6.Sidorivich will be the first trader you come across. Dump unused weapons or ammo on him for a pttle extra cash.西多利维奇将是你遇到的第一个店主,把不用的武器或者弹药给他,换一些额外的钱。

7.One of my favorite cpents is a professional trader in London who sometimes, for entertainment, goes to a casino at night.我很喜欢一个客户,他是伦敦的专业交易者,他有时候为了娱乐,会去赌场。

8.However, sales are a poor indicator of a trader's performance as they move up and down roughly in pne with the price of commodities.但销售收入不是衡量农贸公司业绩表现的良好指标,因为它们业绩基本上是随着农产品价格的波动而起伏的。

9.The trader has no inventories at present, and is not interested in buying for position.该贸易商当前没有铟锭库存,短期内也没有补仓意向。

10.The company did not just undertake credit insurance, but was the largest trader in the credit default swap market.该集团不仅为信贷承保,还是信用违约互换(CDS)市场最大的交易商。