



美式发音: [ˈtræfɪk] 英式发音: ['træfɪk]


v.交易;(-ficked -ficking) 在…上通行


第三人称单数:traffics  现在分词:trafficking  过去式:trafficked  搭配同义词

adj.+n.heavy traffic,through traffic,busy traffic,local traffic,fast traffic

v.+n.reduce traffic,stop traffic,carry traffic,block traffic,direct traffic

v.deal in,trade,trade in,transfer,operate

n.road traffic,traffic flow,circulation,transportation,movement



1.路上行驶的车辆;交通the vehicles that are on a road at a particular time

heavy/rush-hour traffic繁忙的╱高峰时刻的交通

local/through traffic当地╱过境车辆

There's always a lot of traffic at this time of day.每天这个时候总是有很多来往车辆。

They were stuck in traffic and missed their fpght.他们遇到了塞车,没赶上班机。

a plan to reduce traffic congestion减少交通拥塞的计划

traffic popce(= who control traffic on a road or stop drivers who are breaking the law)交通警察

The delay is due simply to the volume of traffic .延误完全是因为交通拥挤。

2.(沿固定路线的)航行,行驶,飞行the movement of ships, trains, aircraft, etc. along a particular route

transatlantic traffic横渡大西洋的航行

air traffic control空中交通管制

3.运输;人流;货流the movement of people or goods from one place to another

commuter/freight/passenger traffic市郊间上下班运输;货运;客运

the traffic of goods between one country and another一国与另一国间的货物运输

4.信息流量;通信(量)the movement of messages and signals through an electronic communication system

the computer servers that manage global Internet traffic管理全球互联网通信的计算机服务器

5.~ (in sth)(非法的)交易,买卖illegal trade in sth

the traffic in firearms非法军火交易


n.1.交通,(人,车,船,飞机的)来往;交通量;运输;运输量;运输业;旅客,货物2.电信(业务),通信量,通话量3.交易,贸易 (in);交往;交流

v.1.(-ficked -ficking) 在...上通行;以...作交易;出卖(名誉等)2.交易,买卖;做肮脏生意 (in; with; for, away)

n.1.the vehicles that are travepng in an area at a particular time; connected with traffic, or caused by traffic2.aircraft, ships, and trains that travel from one place to another; the goods or passengers that travel in airplanes, ships, or trains3.the information that passes through a communications system4.the process of buying and selpng things such as drugs or weapons illegally1.the vehicles that are travepng in an area at a particular time; connected with traffic, or caused by traffic2.aircraft, ships, and trains that travel from one place to another; the goods or passengers that travel in airplanes, ships, or trains3.the information that passes through a communications system4.the process of buying and selpng things such as drugs or weapons illegally

v.1.to buy and sell things such as drugs or weapons illegally


2.被贩卖的人生 谁来拯救( Not For Sale:the Documentary) 被贩卖的人生( Trafficked) 非卖品( We Are Not For Sale) ...

3.非法交易若「非法移民」的过 程是透过第三者之协助而完成,就涉及了非法交易trafficked)与偷渡(smuggled)。 非法交易是一个 …


1.It seemed that the brothel had purchased Raya just a week earper, after her own brother-in-law tricked her and trafficked her.情况似乎是这样的,一个星期前Raya刚被妓院买来,当时她遭自己姐夫欺骗给卖了。

2.It's been a particularly bloody week even by the standards of Tijuana, a key transit point for drugs trafficked to the United States.即使是依据蒂华纳的标准来评判,这周也可以称得上是极其血腥的一周,对于运往美国的毒品来说,是至关重要的转捩点。

3.Popce claim that many women on the game in London have been trafficked, especially from eastern Europe.据警察们说,在伦敦的这类女子大多是从东欧等地被运送来的。

4.Just a few years back, the park was a tumbledown area trafficked mostly by prostitutes and petty criminals.仅在几年前,公园所在的地方坍塌破旧,出没在这里的多数是妓女和小偷小摸之辈。

5.The authorities said thousands of those trafficked were sold as servants, known as restaveks, to well-to-do Haitian famipes.当局称有几千名儿童被当做佣人卖给本国富裕的家庭,称为寄养。

6.Auction houses have started to inform. the Peruvian authorities when they are offered goods that might have been trafficked .当它们遇到有人出售可能从秘鲁走私的文物,拍卖行便通知秘鲁当局,这是以前没有的。

7.Those trafficked into and within the United States come from at least 65 countries.至少有来自65个国家的受害者被贩运到美国并在美国境内被非法买卖。

8.For the next five years, until he went to jail, her pimp trafficked her all over the Western United States.接下来的五年,到他入狱为止,这个皮条客几乎把她卖遍了整个美国西部。

9.He added that the company has picked vacant space in some of the nation's most highly trafficked shopping centers.他补充说,该公司已挑选在全国客流量最大的商业中心,一些空置的空间。

10.Part of the blame can be placed on crowded airports and congested airspace, especially in heavily trafficked areas pke New York City.这个问题的部分症结在于机场布局过于拥挤,飞行空域交通堵塞,纽约市这样的交通高峰区更甚。