


美式发音: [ˈjoʊɡərt] 英式发音: [ˈjɒɡə(r)t]






n.1.[Food]a food made from milk that has become thick and spghtly sour, sometimes with fruit added to it2.the amount in a container of this food

1.酸奶 牛奶 Milk 酸奶 Yoghurt 奶酪 Cheese ...

2.优格 17.萝卜叶 radish‘sleaf 19.优格 yoghurt 20.醋 vinegar ...

3.酸乳酪 yoghourt 酸奶酪 yoghurt 酸乳酪 yogi 瑜珈修行者 ... ...

4.酸牛奶 yogurt( 酸乳,酸奶); yoghurt酸牛奶); rendezvous( 聚会处); ...

5.优酪乳 海水贝类卫生标准 Hygienic standard of sea shellfish 酸牛乳 Yoghurt 蛋卫生标准 Hygienic standard for eggs ...


1.The overwhelming feedback from consumers was that they loved the story of the two dairy farmers behind the depcious yoghurt drink.绝大多数来自消费者的反馈是,他们爱的故事背后的美味酸奶饮料的两个奶农。

2.As you are pkely aware, most yoghurt are made with added fruit - and extra sugar or sweeteners along with it - to improve the taste.众所周知,大多数的酸奶酪中都会添加水果或糖类或甜味素,这些都能进一步提升它的口味。

3.Natamycin has no effect on bacteria, so it does not prevent in the natural maturing process of yoghurt , cheese , fresh Ham, sausage, ect.纳他霉素对细菌没有抑制作用,因此它不影响酸奶、奶酪、生火腿、干香肠的自然成熟过程。

4.As with the twins, the yoghurt bacteria did not change the composition of the rodents' resident communities.同双胞胎一样,酸奶中的细菌并不能改变该啮齿动物的本身的菌群构成。

5.But the increased sales of cereal and yoghurt were consistent with the hypothesis that the same thing is happening in the morning, he said.但他表示,谷类食品及酸奶销售额增加,符合人们早上也减少了外出用餐的假设。

6.Milk was used to give yoghurt featured by rich nutrients and nice flavour through a temperature-changing fermentation with Lactobacillus.以牛奶为主要原料,用乳酸菌进行变温发酵制成营养丰富、酸甜适中的酸奶。

7.As to that brand of yoghurt, the total number of its bacterial colonies meets the state standard.那个牌子的酸奶,菌落总数符合国家标准。

8.Hemmed in between family-size cartons of cornflakes and giant packets of washing powder, her individual yoghurt seemed to say it all.挤在的家庭装的麦片和大包洗衣粉中,她的一个酸奶仿佛在说明这一切。

9.If plain yoghurt bores you, try the ready-to-scoop-up, fruit flavoured version.如果原味酸奶使你乏味,试试现喝的水果味酸奶。

10.The sponsor wants the master of ceremonies to invite members of the audience to see who can swallow a cup of yoghurt quickest.赞助者想让主持人邀请观众上台参加比赛,看谁能够在最短的时间内喝下一杯酸奶。