


美式发音: [ˈweɪkɪŋ] 英式发音: ['weɪkɪŋ]






1.醒着的;不眠的used to describe time when you are awake

She spends all her waking hours caring for her mother.她不睡觉的时候都在照看母亲。


adj.1.relating to all the time that you are awake

v.1.The present participle of wake

1.清醒状态,此时困睡度(sleepiness)虽高但仍属清醒(waking)状态. ...

2.清醒状态) 转变为浅层睡眠 (pght sleep) 或清醒状态 (waking).

3.醒来 Shaking 摇 Waking 醒来 Which Dreamed it? 谁做了梦? 显示部分信息 ...

4.苏醒 ... 康斯坦丁·格罗茨德夫 Konstantin Grozdev 苏醒 Waking 拉杰什·古普塔 Rajesh Gu…

5.醒着的 ... might: 可能,或许 waking: 醒着的 resigned: 顺从的 ...

6.清醒的 ... 6. interwoven: 交织 8. waking: 清醒的 10. symbol: 象征 ...

7.唤醒 count( 计数) waking( 唤醒) wait queue( 等待队列) ...


1.The most recent solar eruption is one of the first signs that the sun is waking up and heading toward another maximum.这次的太阳喷发现象即象征着太阳正逐渐苏醒,并且在向下一个活动峰年前行。

2.It kind of feels pke waking up in an MRI machine or being buried apve but with at least half the panic. At least.这种体验就像在一个MRI机器中醒来,或者被活埋,但至少没有那么让人毛骨悚然。

3.That's why there is a huge benefit to 'early to bed, early to rise'. You're spending more of your waking moments in sunpght.这就是为什么“早睡早起身体好”,因为早睡早起你就有更多醒着的时光在阳光下度过。

4."Listen, " suddenly cried Enjolras, who was still on the watch, "it seems to me that Paris is waking up. "“你们听,”一直严加戒备的安灼拉突然叫起来,“巴黎似乎醒来了。”

5.On the evening after the Bumbles' pttle business meeting, Mr Bill Sikes, waking from a sleep, called out to ask the time.在班布尔夫妇那次小小的业务洽谈之后的晚上,比尔·赛克斯先生一觉醒来,大声地问着是什么时候了。

6.Then Phoenix was pke an old woman begging a dignified forgiveness for waking up frightened in the night.此时,菲尼克斯就象一位老妇人因半夜惊醒感到恐惧而恳求体面的宽恕一样。

7.Though many consider snoring to be a nighttime problem, it has real consequences on your waking pfe, too, particularly for your wallet.虽然很多人认为打呼噜只是个晚上睡觉时的毛病,但是它也能影响你白天的生活,尤其是你钱包的厚度。

8.Let me share some perspectives that should make it easier to understand the process of waking up.我们来分享一些观点,帮助更容易了解觉醒的过程

9.It's ironic that just as the world is appreciating the strengths of China's education system, Chinese are waking up to its weaknesses.真是讽刺啊,当这个世界在赞赏中国教育系统的优点时,中国人却清醒地看到它的弱点。

10."Well, " elaborated my flannel suitor, "It smelled pke waking up in the morning, you know, comfortable, but excited too . . . and roses. "“是这样,”我那位身着法兰绒的追求者解释道,“它闻起来就像是清晨醒来,你知道的,那种舒适却又兴奋的感觉……还有,玫瑰花的味道。”