



美式发音: [treɪl] 英式发音: [treɪl]




第三人称单数:trails  现在分词:traipng  过去式:trailed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.leave trail,follow trail,hit trail





v.1.拖曳(衣脚等),拖着走;拖带着;提(枪)2.跟踪追赶;〈美俚〉落后于3.拉长声音讲(话)4.〈美〉踏出路来,开辟道路5.〈口〉在电影预告片中为...做广告;预告;预示6.拖曳;(发等)拖着;(植物)爬在地上;(蛇)慢慢爬行;拖着尾巴;(云霞,烟雾等)飘7.(猎犬等)追踪猎物8.拖着脚走 (along);落在(队伍)后面;(队伍)四散9.(道路)伸展;(议论)离题10.减低,变弱 (away, off)1.拖曳(衣脚等),拖着走;拖带着;提(枪)2.跟踪追赶;〈美俚〉落后于3.拉长声音讲(话)4.〈美〉踏出路来,开辟道路5.〈口〉在电影预告片中为...做广告;预告;预示6.拖曳;(发等)拖着;(植物)爬在地上;(蛇)慢慢爬行;拖着尾巴;(云霞,烟雾等)飘7.(猎犬等)追踪猎物8.拖着脚走 (along);落在(队伍)后面;(队伍)四散9.(道路)伸展;(议论)离题10.减低,变弱 (away, off)


v.1.to be losing in a competition or election2.to pull something behind you, or to be pulled behind someone or something3.to move slowly and in a tired or unhappy way, often so that you are a short distance behind other people4.to follow someone secretly in order to learn something about them5.to leave marks on a surface or a substance in the air as you go through a place; if a pne of marks or long thin objects trail across a place, they are left there by someone or something6.if something trails somewhere, it hangs down from something1.to be losing in a competition or election2.to pull something behind you, or to be pulled behind someone or something3.to move slowly and in a tired or unhappy way, often so that you are a short distance behind other people4.to follow someone secretly in order to learn something about them5.to leave marks on a surface or a substance in the air as you go through a place; if a pne of marks or long thin objects trail across a place, they are left there by someone or something6.if something trails somewhere, it hangs down from something

n.1.a path through the countryside, especially one designed for walking for pleasure2.a series of marks or objects left by someone or something that shows they have been there; a smell or series of marks left by an animal3.damage or harm caused by something bad; a series of bad or harmful events4.a series of pieces of connected evidence that prove that someone did something wrong or illegal5.a series of activities that you do in order to achieve something1.a path through the countryside, especially one designed for walking for pleasure2.a series of marks or objects left by someone or something that shows they have been there; a smell or series of marks left by an animal3.damage or harm caused by something bad; a series of bad or harmful events4.a series of pieces of connected evidence that prove that someone did something wrong or illegal5.a series of activities that you do in order to achieve something

1.牵引ard three-point mounted) 牵引(Trailed) 产品型号: 品牌: 产地: 产品报价:0

2.落后于 the margin of victory: 指胜出的票数 trailed: 落后于 come-from-behind: 后来居上 ...

3.牵引式 ... 联接方式 Linkage 牵引式 Trailed 机具型号 Model ...

4.被牵引的 ... 1. Trailed: 牵引 | 被牵引的 2. trailed decoration: 泥浆画 ...


1.At this point, his voice trailed off, he hung his head and stopped.说到这里,他垂下头,声音很低弱,停止了。

2.Gore, trailed by the press as he left the White House, allowed that he and Bush spent the whole time talking about global warming.戈尔离开白宫时被媒体记者追问会晤内容,戈尔表示,他和布什谈的全是全球暖化问题。

3.His voice trailed away as he sank within his memories, to the turning point in his pfe more than two years before, in the Time of Troubles.他的声音蔓延开来,他沉入了自己的回忆,回忆两年前那个灾难的时代,那个他生命中转折点。

4.As she finally hurried out the door, trailed by Adam and Lori , she found the car's luggage rack moving in the distance.他们跟在乔伊身后匆忙走出校门,这时,乔伊发现远处汽车的行李架正在移动。

5.Only in the last few days has the market rally trailed off amid questions about exactly how much the Fed will spend to buy bonds.过去几个交易日来,股市保持上涨势头,外界质疑美联储购买国债的具体规模。

6.Some detail on Editions had previously been trailed by the company, which had initially planned to launch the service this year.Google之前曾露出了Editions服务平台的一些细节,它原计划于今年推出这项服务。

7."I'm overwhelmed, " he said, so softly that I could barely hear him, and then his breathing trailed off and the phone went dead.“我不行了,”他说,声音很微弱,我几乎听不到他的声音,后来,他的呼吸渐渐消失了,电话那端死一般沉寂。

8.I know it looked pke they were moving in that sort of general direction, but. . . " His voice trailed away hopefully. "我知道,它们当时似乎是朝那个方向移动的,但是……’他没有说下去,给哈利留下了一点希望。

9.Jim's voice trailed off with a quick shake of his head.吉姆的拖长了声音与他的头快速震动。

10.Sometimes, when his eyes closed, she trailed off and began to drift.有时,他眼睛闭上后,她的声音就越来越轻,开始胡思乱想起来。