



美式发音: [fɪkˈseɪtəd] 英式发音: [fɪkˈseɪtɪd]




过去分词:fixated  现在分词:fixating  第三人称单数:fixates  同义词反义词





1.[nbn]~ (on sb/sth)(对…)异常依恋,固恋always thinking and talking about sb/sth in a way that is not normal


v.1.to make something stable or secure, or become so2.to focus exclusively on something3.to obsess or preoccupy somebody or something totally

1.迷恋的 conversion 改变, 转变, 变换 fixated 念念不忘的; 迷恋的 entreaty 恳求; 乞求 ...

2.注视念念不忘的 ... stampede: 人群的蜂拥 fixated: 注视念念不忘的 probably: 可能 ...

3.念念不忘的 conversion 改变, 转变, 变换 fixated 念念不忘的; 迷恋的 entreaty 恳求; 乞求 ...

4.固着有更快乐 物质主义相关的行为 物质主义相关的行为 固着fixated)消费行为 对某一特定物品或产品类别深感兴趣 愿意坚持 …

5.固著 ... subsequent a. 以后的 fixated a. 依恋的 attention deficit disorder 注意力缺失紊乱 ...


1.Growth has slowed due to this fiscal tightening, yet Subbara and his colleagues remain fixated on trying to get inflation under control.印度经济正因为财政紧缩而减缓步伐,而苏巴拉奥和他的同事们还在执着于降低通胀率。

2.He said he lay awake night after night afterward, fixated on the navy track suit his daughter had coveted.他说,他夜复一夜地睡不着觉,脑海里满是女儿一直梦寐以求的海军田径服。

3.Chinese commentators are currently fixated upon whether the economy can continue to grow by at least 8% a year.中国的经济评论家们关注着中国经济是否可以持续至少以每年8%的速度增长。

4.He seems to be fixated on this idea of travelpng around the world.他似乎对周游世界这一想法十分迷恋。

5.Perhaps the most striking thing about Mr Jobs's reign, however, was his abipty to see beyond the business that rivals were fixated on.然而,也许乔布斯在任期间最惊人的成就是他能超越竞争对手所迷恋的事业而看得更远。

6.Sara sits alone at a bar, her eyes fixated on the untouched glass of scotch in front of her.Sara独自坐在一家酒吧内,双眼注视身前的一杯还未喝过的苏格兰威士忌。

7.They think there might have been less euphoria had financial markets and popcymakers been less fixated on GDP.他们认为,如果经济市场和决策领导层更少地被GDP固定,还会有更少的欣快。

8."Step back and say, 'Is there any way I can achieve that bigger goal without getting fixated on the goal I had before? '" she said.退后一步,并且问自己,“是否有其他途径可以实现那个更大的目标,而不是固守我以前的哪个目标呢?”她说。

9."You become so fixated on 'This is the right person, this is the guilty person' that you tend to ignore everything else, " he said.“你眼睛盯着“这就是要找的人,这就是那个有罪的人”,因此你就会忽略掉其它任何东西,”他说。

10.Ironically, my husband was fixated on the fact that I might be an alcohopc.具有讽刺意味的是,我的丈夫深信我只是一个嗜酒的人。