




1.培训机构 所学课程( Courses Attended) 培训机构Training Institution) 与本人关系( Relationship) ...

2.英语培训机构 教唆犯 教唆者 person who induces 教习机関 training institution 建筑用地 敷地 site ...


1.As a professional training institution, Golden Finance always upholds the ideal of best combination of the theory and practice.作为一家专业的培训机构,公司一直秉持理论与实践的最佳结合。

2.SGA (China) Golf Academy is a professional golf training institution with international first-class teaching standard and service system.(中国)高尔夫学院是一家具备国际一流教学标准与服务体系的专业高尔夫运动培训机构。

3.last, a training institution full of pertinence and prompting is needed to make sure the two subsystems before can run efficiently.最后,还需要具有针对性和激励性的培训制度来保障前两个子系统的有效运行。

4.It is a Best Training Institution that commits itself to train professional managing talents for hotel and food industries.致力于为酒店及餐饮行业培养专业型管理人才的最佳培训机构。

5.Requirement: Have the certificate of teaching in training institution. Be a full-time teacher in our school.要求:拥有在华英语培训机构执教证书,能够全职在校教学。

6.In 1980, Hefei Pre-school Teachers School, the first independent pre-school teachers training institution was founded in Anhui Province.1980年,我省成立了第一所独立培养幼儿教师的合肥幼儿师范学校。

7.When completed, the METC will be the world's largest medical education and training institution.建成后,METC将成为世界上最大的医疗教育和培训机构。

8.The Commission or training institution may give reward to those who are outstanding in performance.成绩特优者,由本会或训练机构给予奖励。

9.ZHONG HE fashion, the only fashion training institution in China.我们是中赫时尚,中国唯一一家专业的时尚培训机构。

10.The school as the talent training institution, a positive, rational echo has become an inevitable.学校作为人才培养的主要机构,理应对此作出积极、理性的回应。