


美式发音: [træns] 英式发音: [trɑːns]




复数:trances  同义词反义词





1.[c]昏睡状态;催眠状态a state in which sb seems to be asleep but is aware of what is said to them, for example if they are hypnotized

to go/fall into a trance进入╱陷入昏睡状态

2.[c]出神;发呆a state in which you are thinking so much about sth that you do not notice what is happening around you

3.[u]迷幻音乐a type of electronic dance music with hypnotic rhythms and sounds



n.1.a state caused by hypnosis in which someone can move and speak but is not conscious in a normal way; a state in which you are awake but not really conscious of where you are because you are thinking about something else2.a type of dance music with fast regular beats and electronic sounds that developed from techno in the early 1990s

v.1.Same as entrance

1.恍惚是迷幻药,教人闻了会有进入恍惚的状态,类似通灵时的昏迷Trance)状态,并一边观看这个容器中的水,好像在观看水 …

6.恍惚状态 trample 踩坏,践踏 trance 恍惚,昏睡状态 tranquipty 宁静,安静 ...


1.One day as he was meditating on the Architecture, Linus fell into a trance and was granted a vision.一天他在沉思着(诺依曼提出的)结构,恍惚间坠入幻境。

2.And I basically pve my pfe in sort of a trance.生活上,我基本上处于沉醉于万物的状态。

3.She was starring at me with a faraway, trance pke expression.她凝视着我,表情朦胧恍惚。

4.He thought that, if waked up from a trance, in this swamp, he could tell by the plants what time of the year it was within two days.他这样想,如果在这片水沼,从一场昏睡中醒来,他可以通过周围植物确定一年中的日期,误差不超过两天。

5.When I see a picture of her, I fall into a trance and it requires cold water splashed. . . in places. . . to get me out of it.当我看见她的图片,我会恍惚失神,我需要一些冷水。。。在一些地方。。。

6.This is a state of trance when outwardly a man who reaches it is as good as dead, there being nothing but warmth as a sign of pfe.这是一个出神的状态,当一个人达到这一状态时外面看起来就好象死亡一样,这里没有什么但是有体温的信号表明生命的存在。

7.With a demure and becoming grace, she took the seat next to me, our knees nearly touching, and I stared at her as if in a trance.她端庄优雅地坐到我身边,我们的膝盖几乎碰在一起,我恍恍惚惚地盯着她看。

8.It is now, though, as if you are being shaken out of a trance.但是现在,你仿佛从恍惚中被摇醒。

9.Now I'm such a blank, Is missed or need to do so or does not make sense of a trance, Such a blank so I am afraid. . .现在的我如此的空白,是在想念还是需要或是无厘头的发呆,这样的空白让我害怕…

10.Cayce went into a deep trance and described the condition in his vocal cords, advising, strangely enough, what to do for it.凯西进入了深度恍惚状态,并描述了他声带的病情,尤其奇怪的是,他还提出了如何治疗的建议。