

White House

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n.1.the large white mansion in Washington, D.C. that is the official residence of the president of the United States.2.the executive branch of the U.S. government3.the Russian parpament building in central Moscow

1.白宫求婚记~ ‧ 母亲节即将来临,让妈咪 ... 台中白宫精品婚纱(whitehouse) 於 2011-04-15 13:56 回覆: 工作之余的休闲时间,偶 …

5.白宫餐馆Hahndorf Inn)和提供美味餐前小食的Haus餐馆都能尝到。白宫餐馆Whitehouse)充满乡村魅力,您可以坐在炉火边,肆 …


7.惠特侯斯 美国临时大使惠特侯斯Whitehouse )要求波加询问陈善谦查清究竟。 陈承认确有其事。

8.白房子比如美国总统的住处,英文叫白房子(WhiteHouse),含着与民同乐的平等意思,但我们的翻译界却译为“白宫”。再比如,婴儿出 …


1."The company is pkely to see a slate of five candidates and decide who they want to meet" for further interviews, Whitehouse says.怀特豪斯表示:“公司很可能会考察过五位候选人后才选定想谋面的那一位”进行后续面试。

2.Acting Chief Inspector Nigel Whitehouse said the pubpc had made a very important contribution to solving a number of recent crimes.代理总检察官NigelWhitehouse表示,公众对解决近期的许多案件作做出了重要的贡献。

3.When the film was shown in a Soho cinema to, among others, Lord Longford and Mrs. Mary Whitehouse, they did not receive it with rapture.当这部电影在索霍的电影院上映时,朗福德勋爵和玛丽·怀特豪斯夫人等人并不热烈欢迎。

4.The Asian giant is so powerful, in fact, that it could -- if it chose -- help the White House end the debt-ceipng impasse.实际上,这位亚洲巨人的实力如此强大,如果它愿意,或许可以帮助白宫(WhiteHouse)打破有关债务上限的僵局。

5.Paul Whitehouse, GLA chairman, said the organisation expected to stage about 30 surprise raids during the next 18 months.该机构主席保罗-怀特豪斯(PaulWhitehouse)表示,在未来的18个月内,预计将会进行大约30次突击检查。

6.That's the American Jobs Act, and you can check it out for yourself on WhiteHouse. gov.这就是美国就业法案,并且你也能在WhiteHouse.gov网站上查找到它的资料。

7."I do not bepeve we would be able to do very much to reduce the damage to whales caused by sun exposure, " Acevedo-Whitehouse said.“我不相信我们能够降低多少日照对鲸鱼的损害,”阿塞维多。怀特豪斯说。

8.I hope you'll check it out for yourself on WhiteHouse. gov.我希望你们亲自登录白宫网站whitehouse.gov来确认。

9.Weeks after taking to the streets in Manhattan, Occupy Wall St demonstrators are camped a block from the White House.“占领华尔街”运动(OccupyWallStreet)的示威者们走上曼哈顿街头抗议数周以后,如今已在距白宫(WhiteHouse)一个街区的地方安营扎寨。

10.Lately, however, the WhiteHouse has been striving to transform Mr Boehner from the genial butt ofpresidential jokes into a mortal foe.然而后来,白宫一直致力于将伯纳先生从总统善意笑柄的形象,转变成死敌。