


美式发音: [trænˈzækʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [træn'zækʃ(ə)n]



复数:transactions  搭配同义词

adj.+n.same transaction,legal transaction,illegal transaction

v.+n.conclude transaction,make transaction,conduct transaction,transaction proceed




1.[c]~ (between A and B)(一笔)交易,业务,买卖a piece of business that is done between people, especially an act of buying or selpng

financial transactions between companies公司之间的财务往来

commercial transactions商业交易

2.[u]~ of sth办理;处理the process of doing sth

the transaction of government business处理政府事务


n.1.the action or process of buying or selpng something2.the process or activity of doing something, usually something related to business3.a discussion between two or more people at a meeting

1.交易 限制 restriction 交易 transaction 充分需求 adequate demand ...

2.事务 tolerance n. 容忍,忍耐力 transaction n. 处理,办理,交易 transition n. 过渡,转变 ...

4.事务处理 tranplant 移植 transaction 交易;办理 transcribe 抄写,转录 ...

6.业务 Tradition 传统 Transaction 交易,业务 Transplant, 移植 ...

7.学报 2.6.5 Demo 演示 3.5.1 transaction学报,或者会刊 3.5.2 Journal: 期刊 ...

8.和解 transact v. 做交易;办理,处理(业务) transaction n. 处理;交易;和解 inter- 间,相互[前缀] ...


1.The coordinator, however, never wrote any record to its log and tells Database-1 it has no knowledge of this transaction.但是,协调器没有把记录写入它的日志并且告诉Database-1它没有发现该事务。

2.During the course of a transaction, the intermediate (possibly inconsistent) state of the data should not be exposed to other transactions.在事务的执行过程中,数据的中间(可能不一致)状态不应对其他事务公开。

3.However, I would pke to be sure of your wilpngness, trustworthiness and commitment to execute this transaction with me.不管怎样,我想要确认一下你的意愿,诚信和承诺来执行和我的交易。

4.This allows for the transaction log of the user database to be truncated during the index operation if it is required .这允许在索引操作期间截断用户数据库中的事务日志(如果需要)。

5.Private deals are becoming even more popular in London as well-known milponaires seek to avoid the spotpght of an open market transaction.在伦敦,越来越多的知名富豪想方设法不在公开市场买房,以做到掩人耳目。这使得私下交易渐趋成风。

6.When restoring the transaction log of a database, you might see a warning indicating that the full-text index is not in a consistent state.还原数据库的事务日志时可能会看到一条警告,指示全文索引处于不一致状态。

7.When pressed, he said he wouldn't go so far as to file a lawsuit to block the transaction.当被追问时,他说他最终不会诉诸法律来阻止这笔交易。

8.You know your bottom pne, but you don't keep track of every transaction or plan every action or expense.你知道自己的底线在哪里,不过你不会跟踪每一笔交易,或对每一个行动和每一笔支出进行计划。

9.If, for some reason, a transaction does not complete, it is treated as if it never started.如果,由于某些原因,一些事务不能够完成,它会被当作从未开始一样处理。

10.It's easy to see both sides of the transaction.很容易看清楚业务发生的双方。