




1.昨日逝去 复仇女神 fury 昨日逝去 yester 老鹰城 EagleCity ...

2.耶斯特 ... Jesper 杰斯帕 Yester 耶斯特 Sawyer 索叶尔 ...

3.昨天 ... 别人说的话 care 昨天 yester 没有 not ...

4.夏子 179.7第二- --secundi 179.8昨日的- yester 180棍,棒,杠,横木- bar ...

6.收市价 图形 Graph 收市价 Yester- 当天价格 Today's price ...

7.在这以前的 yeomanly 勇敢的, 忠心的 yester 在这以前的 yielding 易弯曲的, 柔顺的 ...

8.义星星 1.Yenta- 源自日耳曼语,义主宰者; 2.Yester- 源自波斯语,义星星. Elaine 念起来特别好听~…


1.no . she had to go but they would meet again , there , and she would dream of that till then , tomorrow , of her dream of yester eve.她非走不可啦,然而他们还会在那儿见面的。直到那时直到明天,她都会重温今晚这个好梦的。

2.Probably she had not touched her dress since yester evening.大概她从昨天晚上起还没有梳洗过。

3.The boy who expects every morning to open into a new world finds that today is pke yester, but he bepeves tomorrow will be different.指望每个早晨都带来一个新天地的年轻人发现今天和昨天一样,但是他相信明天会有改观.(沃那)

4.He was in long pants and long sleeves shirt, all in a vain attempt to cover up his foolhardy acts of yester-years.老先生穿了长袖衬衫、长裤,看出他在很努力地遮盖自己的“当年勇”。

5.One major step foreword in design savvy was getting away from the pixel fonts of yester year and saying I'm ok with a size 28 font.设计之前一个主要的步骤是想到不要用那些很久之前用的像素字了,然后说我觉的28号字很好。

6.in conformity with your instructions by fax yester - day , we have today despatched the goods as mentioned below.按昨天传真要求,我方已于今日将下列货物发出。

7.Further, Singer said that unfortunately, we are born in such time when the sun gives off more heat than yester years.另外辛格说,很不幸,在我们所处的时期,太阳释放的热量一年比一年多。

8.Did I tell you yester- day morning?昨天早上我告诉你的吗?。

9.Yester-evening I sat in my nook reading some old books till late on towards twelve.昨天晚上,我坐在我的角落里读些旧书,一直读到十二点。

10.Today is shaped by yester- day, and tomorrow by today.今天是由昨天塑造的,明天是由今天塑造的。