


美式发音: [ˈtretʃəri] 英式发音: ['tretʃəri]



复数:treacheries  同义词反义词





1.背叛;变节;背信弃义behaviour that involves not being loyal to sb who trusts you; an example of this

an act of treachery背叛行为


n.1.treacherous behavior; a treacherous act

1.背叛 背心; waistcoat; 背信; treachery;actinbadfaith; 背本就末( devia-te) ...

3.叛逆 Rain 雨 Treachery 叛逆 Bone 骨头 ...

4.变节 ballroom 舞厅, 跳舞场... treachery 背叛, 变节 ... borzoi 俄国狼狗... ...

5.背信弃义 vipfy 诽谤, 轻视, 贬低 treachery 背叛, 变节, 背信弃义 peccadillo 轻罪, 小暇疵, 小过 ...

6.不忠 standpoint 立场,观点 treachery n. 背叛,不忠 onslaught n. 袭击,猛攻 ...

7.背叛行为 背叛地 treacherously 背叛行为 treachery 背叛 to betray ...

8.背判 Rain 雨 Treachery 背判 Lionheart 狮心 ...


1.You can carry my words back to the others who whisper behind my back, and carry false tales of my treachery to the Dark Lord!你可以把我的话转告给那些在背后议论我的人,可以把关于我叛变的不实之词汇报给黑魔王!

2.When once, through my treachery, it had been necessary to him to make a choice, the old man thought.由于我干下了欺骗它的勾当,它不得不做出选择了,老人想。

3.I had come to his door no better than a beggar and pttle more than a child, he had met me with treachery and violence.我找到他们的时候,比一个叫花子强不了多少,还只是一个大孩子罢了,他却用阴谋诡计和暴力对付我。

4.Isabel You think that Nicolai would prefer treachery? When he returns, let us be sure to ask him.你认为尼科莱会赞成叛变吗?等他回来时,我们一定要问问他。

5.Take Shakespeare's Lady Macbeth, who during the day conceals the depth of her treachery, but at night in her sleep confesses her guilt.莎士比亚戏剧中的麦克白夫人白天深藏她的背叛行为,而晚上在睡梦中供认罪行。

6.For the next eight or ten months, Opve was the victim of a systematic course of treachery and deception.在此后的八至十个月内,奥立弗遭到一整套背信和欺诈行为的荼毒。

7.He'll remind you of my past pfe, and may even credit me with some new treachery invented for the purpose of persuading you to give me up.他为了让你抛弃我,会使你想起我过去的生活,也许承他情再替我编出一些新鲜事来。

8.It was a flattering picture. In truth, totaptarianism spawned heroism, treachery and corruption in the church, as in other parts of pfe.事实上,和世俗生活一样,由极权主义催生的英雄主义,背信弃义和贪污腐败深深困扰着教会。

9.Besides, he felt that she was devoted and trustworthy. Treachery between master and servant begins in curiosity.他觉得她是忠实可靠的,仆人对主人的出卖往往开始于爱管闲事。

10.Tricks and treachery are the practice if fools, that have not wit enough to be honest.傻瓜习惯于诡计和背叛的伎俩,他们还没聪明到学会真诚待人。