


美式发音: [ˈwɑndərˌlʌst] 英式发音: [ˈwɒndə(r)ˌlʌst]




n.travel bug



1.漫游癖;旅行癖a strong desire to travel


n.1.a strong wish to travel

1.漫游癖 every now and then 不时地 wanderlust n. 漫游癖 Rio de Janeiro n. 里约热内卢(巴西港市) ...

2.旅行癖ndred Spirits) (1991年) ,《流浪癖》(Wanderlust) (1991年) ,《黑暗之心》(Dark Heart) (1992年), 《誓言与标准》The Oat…

4.旅游热 wandering 云游四方的 wanderlust 漫游癖,旅游热 wane 减少,衰微 ...

5.旅游癖 女人“面带病容 wan” 女人有“旅游癖 wanderlust” 女人“洗东西 wash” ...

6.随心所欲妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)在新片《随心所欲》(Wanderlust)中大胆全裸上阵,与2名裸女纠缠在床上大搞3P,并大方露出正面 …

7.流浪酒店 新加坡远东雅柏酒店 Albert Court Village Hotel 流浪酒店 Wanderlust 京华酒店 Hotel Royal ...


1.The White House explains the president's new-found Wanderlust by saying that "We want to be well perceived in the world" .白宫在解释总统最新的旅游癖时说:“我们希望世界能更好的了解美国。”

2.Despite his insatiable wanderlust, Roelpnger still finds paradise in his own backyard.撇开他那永无休止的流浪欲望,Roelpnger依然能在他自己的后院里找到天堂。

3.No wonder, then, that investors have been transfixed by the growing wanderlust of Chinese consumers.因此,中国消费者逐渐升温的旅游热令投资者深深着迷,也就不足为奇。

4.Like many youngsters, he possessed a strong streak of wanderlust.和许多年轻人一样,克利格也曾有过强烈的远行梦想。

5.This phenomenon, sometimes called wanderlust, may explain why people spend so much time and money on trips to interesting places.这种现象,有时叫做旅游癖,可以用来解释为什么人们会把那么多时间和金钱花在有趣的旅游场所。

6.She undertook this globetrotting adventure for two reasons: to feed her wanderlust and to ponder her own final resting place.她开始自己的环球冒险基于两个原因:满足她的旅行癖及寻找自己最终停息之所。

7.Is acceptable. but while also reducing the wanderlust of death caused pecked pheasant.品相同时亦可降低由于啄癖造成的山鸡死亡。

8.Wanderlust A very strong or irresistible impulse to travel.漫游癖非常强的或无法抵制的旅游的欲望。

9.When we met, you warned me of your wanderlust.但我们相遇之时,你就警告我说你有漫游癖。

10.Lee was never home. He was always travepng. His parents thought he had wanderlust and needed to learn to settle down.李从不呆在家里,他常年出外旅游。他的父母认为他有旅行癖,他必须学会安定下来。