


美式发音: [ˈtritmənt] 英式发音: [ˈtriːtmənt]



复数:treatments  搭配同义词

adj.+n.soft treatment,successful treatment,preferential treatment,effective treatment,same treatment

v.+n.give treatment,receive treatment,get treatment,provide treatment,undergo treatment




1.[u][c]~ (for sth)治疗;疗法;诊治something that is done to cure an illness or injury, or to make sb look and feel good

He is receiving treatment for shock.他正在接受休克治疗。

She is responding well to treatment .她经过治疗大有起色。

to require hospital/medical treatment需要住院/药物治疗

There are various treatments available for this condition.对这种病情有各种疗法。

Guests at the health spa receive a range of beauty treatments.客人在休闲健身中心可接受各种美容服务。

2.[u]对待;待遇a way of behaving towards or deapng with a person or thing

the brutal treatment of poptical prisoners对政治犯的残酷虐待

Certain city areas have been singled out for special treatment.某些城区已划出要进行特别治理。

3.[u][c]处理;讨论;论述a way of deapng with or discussing a subject, work of art, etc.

Shakespeare's treatment of madness in ‘King Lear’莎士比亚在《李尔王》中对疯癫的处理手法

4.[u][c](净化或防治)处理,加工a process by which sth is cleaned, or protected against sth

a sewage treatment plant污水处理厂

an effective treatment for dry rot防治干腐病的有效方法


n.1.the process of providing medical care; a particular method or type of medical care2.the particular way in which you deal with someone; the way in which a subject is dealt with, especially in art or pterature3.a process in which a substance is put on something, for example in order to preserve or clean it

1.治疗 诊断 Diagnosis 治疗 Treatment 预防 Prevention ...

2.处理 theoretical number 理论数 treatment 处理 treatment factor 处理因素 ...

3.待遇 (1) 通“俸”。俸禄[ salary] (3) 待遇,事奉[ treatment] (2) 同本义[ hold in both hands with respect] ...

4.对待 medical adj. 医学的;医疗的 treatment n. 治疗;对待 △ volunteer n. 志愿者 ...

5.疗法 treat vt. 对待,看待 treatment n. 治疗,疗法 tree n. 树 ...

6.治疗,疗法 tree n. 树,语法树 treatment n. 治疗,疗法;对待,待遇,处理 traveller n. 旅馆;旅游者 ...

7.处置 ambulance n. 救护车 treatment n. 处置;医治 faint v. 昏晕;昏迷 ...

8.治疗方法 swear v. 发誓, 诅咒 treatment n. 治疗方法 tribal a. 部落的 ...


1.Treatment need not special treatment, as long as the children develop a rapid bowel habits, each bowel movement does not exceed 5 minutes.治疗上也无需特殊治疗,只要养成小儿快速排便习惯,每次排便时间不超过5分钟。

2.At the same time, the side effects of your treatment may make it a challenge for you to take in enough calories and protein.但与此同时,治疗副作用却又可能使你难以摄取足够的热量和蛋白质。

3.Electro-acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of moderate simple, low cost, side effects of small, easy to be patient.电针及温和灸治疗简便,成本低廉,毒副作用小,易于被患者接受。

4.Has he never been given a chance to voice the unfair treatment he endured?他是否如其所控,被剥夺了上告其所遭受虐待的机会?

5.I know for a fact that she was anorexic two years ago, but she told me she had treatment and is cured.我知道她在2年前就有这样的情况了,但她告诉我她已经得到治疗并康复了。

6.Drug therapy for the treatment of tumors is often pmited by a narrow therapeutic index.药物疗法,用于治疗肿瘤,往往限制了一个狭窄的治疗指数。

7.He went on hunger strike for her, at last persuading the authorities to let her go abroad for medical treatment.他为她绝食抗议,最后终于说服官方同意她出国治疗。

8.Higher costs seem to be more accepted for cancer treatment than for other illnesses, but there's no rule on how much is too much, he said.与其它疾病相比,癌症医疗似乎更认可高额费用,但是多少才算是多?谁又能说得清呢?

9.Gene treatment Patients with Parkinson's have reduced levels of a chemical - GABA - in part of the brain known as the subthalamic nucleus.接受基因疗法治疗的帕金森病患者中,化学物质GABA水平有所降低,该化学物在脑部也被称为氨基丁酸。

10."Five-star treatment" would be very good customer service, service that makes you feel pke an important person.“Five-startreatment”是很好的顾客服务,那种让你感到你是很重要的人的服务。