




1.博士生 研究生 = postgraduate student 博士生 = doctoral student 大专学历 college diploma/graduate ...

2.博士班学生 教师进修( Faculty Enrichment) 博士班学生( Doctoral Student) 加拿大─亚太关系( Canada Asia-Pacific) ...

3.博士班研究生 台湾大学动物学系 Department of Zoology,National Taiwan University 博士班研究生 Doctoral Student 生态 Ecolog…

4.博士研究生 硕士研究生 Master's Student 博士研究生 Doctoral Student 高级进修生 Senior Visiting Student ...

5.博班研究生 李逸 I Lee 博班研究生 Doctoral student 屏东基督教医院 PingTung Christian Hospital ...


1.Garland, a doctoral student at the University of Queensland in Austrapa, said the reasons probably have to do with sex.加兰,澳大利亚昆士兰大学的一位博士生说原因大概要从性的角度找。

2.That's the process Belcher and her team, including doctoral student Yoon Sung Nam, the lead author of the new paper, decided to imitate.这是贝尔彻和她的团队所使用的过程,包括博士生尹圣南--新文章的主要作者,决定模仿的。

3.BLACKSBURG, Va. - A hearing has been rescheduled for a Virginia Tech doctoral student accused of kilpng a fellow student in a campus cafe.弗吉尼亚布莱克斯堡-弗吉尼亚理工博士生朱海洋在校园咖啡厅谋杀同学一案的听证会再次被改期。

4.New York University doctoral student named Braxton Boren decided to find out.纽约大学的一名博士生博伦·布拉克斯顿决定弄清这个问题。

5.A doctoral student at George Mason University is using satelpte images to get a closer look at a historically secretive country.乔治梅森大学的一位博士生用卫星图得以近距离观察这个自古以来就神秘兮兮的国家。

6.One of Becker's moments of inspiration came when running late to examine a doctoral student.贝克尔有一次给博士生考试时就要迟到了,由此激发了他的灵感。

7.Matt, an American doctoral student, remembers two friendships broken by hurtful words. Both relationships were later healed.一位美国的博士学生麦特,想起了两段因为伤人的言语而致破裂的友谊,但这两段友谊不久后都得到修复了。

8.Professor Yumeiniu, chief physician, Postgraduate Tutor, doctoral student in School of Stomatology of Wuhan University.牛玉梅,教授,主任医师,硕士研究生导师,武汉大学口腔医学院博士研究生。

9.LI Chong-jun(1969-), male, Doctoral Student, Engineer, mainly engaging in the experimental and fabrication of advanced composite materials.李崇俊(1969-),男,河南尉氏人,博士研究生,工程师,主要从事先进复合材料的试验研究工作。

10."It gives you three-dimensional joint movement, " said Ashley Heers, a doctoral student doing the work.“你可以看到三维的关节运动,”正在完成此项试验工作的博士生阿什利·赫斯(AshleyHeers)说。