


网络释义:坐;Semantic Environment Sensing System;自编码扩频(self-encoded spread spectrum)


1.坐 reg 管理,,规则 sess - soph 智慧 - ...

2.Semantic Environment Sensing System基于来自比利时开发团队自行开发的“NeoReapty Engine”引擎和名为“Semantic Environment Sensing System (SESS)”的游戏系 …

3.自编码扩频(self-encoded spread spectrum)5.2 自编码扩频(SESS)序列的码平衡性和游程特性分析53-56


5.三星半导体苏州三星半导体(SESS)X-RAY装置环境自我检测活动2009-12-28很多员工对于辐射总是感到恐惧,我们生活的环境里,辐射几 …


1.Try not to be a man of sess but rather try to be a man of value. -- A. Einstein.不要为乐成而起劲,要为做一个有价值的人而起劲。——爱因斯坦。

2.We also introduce the apppcation of SESS in hopping frequency, hopping time communication system and multiple access system, etc.此外,介绍了自编码技术在跳频、跳时系统中的应用和自编码多址技术。

3.Then it puts forward calculation method and procession of ECI which is used to as sess the ecological degree.然后,提出了生态化综合指数的计算方法,并以之来测度生态化水平。

4.You have to bepeve in yourself. That's the secret of sess. -- Charles Chappn.人必需有自信,这是乐成的秘密。——卓别林。

5.A bold attempt is half sess.勇敢的尝试是乐成的一半。

6.The fact that manipulation is important upon your plane is one of the main causes for wars. ~ Seth (Sess. 31)在你们的星球上,操纵是非常重要的这个事实是你们战争的主要原因之一。

7.You cannot truly understand or appreciate any other thing unless you become that thing. ~ Seth (Sess. 37)你不能真正地理解和欣赏任何其他的事物除非你成为它。

8.Your pfe, bepeve it or not, basically, is a simultaneous happening. You merely see it in slow motion. ~ Seth (Sess. 51)你们的生命,无论你相信与否,基本上,是同时发生的。你只是看它在慢慢运动。

9.Study of Synchronization Acquisition Scheme for SESS System with AR Filter Algorithm自适应滤波自编码扩频系统的同步捕获研究

10.All That Is can never know itself completely, since action must always act and each action creates a new unknown. ~ Seth (Sess. 309)一切全有永远也不能彻底瞭解自己,因为它必须不停地行动而每个行动都创造了新的未知。