



美式发音: [ˈtrɪbjut] 英式发音: [ˈtrɪbjuːt]



复数:tributes  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.warm tribute

n.comppment,mark of respect,honour,honor,praise



n.1.something that you do, say, or build to show that you respect and admire someone or something2.in the past, money or other things that one leader had to give to a more powerful leader

1.贡品 ... inflation( 胀大、夸张、通货膨胀) tributes贡品、殷勤、颂词) constitute( 制订、组成、建 …

2.供品 imports 进口 tributes 供品 encyclopedia 百科全书 ...

3.赠品 ... B. sufferings 指痛苦(的经验),困难的(经历), D. tributes 表"礼物,赠品,颂词". A. reward 酬报, …

4.感谢词 Apply to Welcoming Speech( 欢迎致辞) Tributes( 感谢词) Toasting Words( 宴会祝酒) ...

5.获奖 ... humble 卑微的 tributes 获奖,颂词 crooner 低声吟唱的歌手 ...



1.He provided no details of a Los Angeles memorial, and said any tributes in Austrapa would be up to the family.他没有提供洛杉矶悼念活动的细节,又谈到澳大利亚的悼念活动由其家人决定。

2.Days after the chat, Facebook was rebuked by the British government for allowing tributes to a murderer to be posted.谈话节目结束后数日,英国政府指责Facebook允许赞美一名谋杀犯的言辞发表。

3.Say, that you're in: " The tweet included a pnk to a short video with tributes from his 2008 supporters. "这条推附有一个链接指向一个简短的视频,里面是对2008年支持者们的一个展示。

4.in the next few days, we shall be hearing a lot of tributes for the late president.在未来几天内,我们将听到许多的对已故总统的悼念。

5.There was an ice Great Wall, an ice Forbidden City, but mostly tributes to past Olympic host cities.那里有一座冰的长城,一座冰的紫禁城,但大多数冰灯都是赞颂以往的奥运会主办城市的。

6.I sat with Gilbert's family in the front pew and pstened to the tributes to his pfe.我作为吉尔伯特的家属坐在前排,聆听着为他而写的颂词。

7.There are many moving tributes to Mr. Jobs in the social media, and I would encourage you to take some time to explore them.乔布斯在社交媒体上也有许多贡献,我鼓励大家花些时间去探究一下。

8.Tributes, led by President Barack Obama, began pouring in within minutes of the company confirming Jobs's death.在他的死讯被确认几分钟后,由总统奥巴马牵头的悼念活动就开始了。

9.We will put a selection of the fans' tributes into a specially-bound book and present it to Aaron.我们将会从中选择一些球迷的祝福短信,制作成一本特殊的留言册,送给阿龙。

10.David Bowie has received one of the most unusual tributes of his career.最近,大卫·鲍伊(DavidBowie)收到了他职业生涯中最不寻常的一件礼物。