

count on

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第三人称单数:counts on  现在分词:counting on  过去式:counted on  同义词

v.depend on,be sure of,rely on,trust,bank on



na.1.to depend on someone to do what you want or expect them to do for you2网站屏蔽ed in a humorous way for saying that you know someone will behave in a particular way3.to hope or expect that something will happen or that someone will do something



1.Having someone you can count on at work to care about you and understand you feeds your soul in a way that used to apply only at home.让一位有信得过的朋友能在工作中向原来只在家里采用的那样来照顾你,理解你的感受,满足心灵需要。

2.I mourn sincerely the death of my dear uncle, the King, but I know I may count on you to serve me as loyally as you served him.我为我叔父--国王的死感到深切的哀痛,但我坚信你们会服务于我,如对他那般的忠诚。

3.If you look hard, you can sort of still see what he is talking about, but do not count on using it as it is full of thick rough.他提到沙坑后面的斜坡可以抓住球到沙坑里面。如果你仔细看,你就发现他在说什么,但是不要指望利用果岭后面的山脊斜坡,那里尽是浓密的长草。

4.I can always count on you for a slamming mix, a no-B. S. opinion, or just a bit of well-informed advice.我经常依靠你做一些有爆发力的混音,或者仅仅是一点能让人长见识的建议。

5.If GPF dips below $4 by the time your order hits the market, you may get it a pttle cheaper, but don't count on it.如果你下单时,正好股价跌到4元以下,你就可以以更低的价格买入,但不要指望这样。

6.I count on you, no matter what they say, Cause love can find its time. I hope to be a part of you again, Baby let us shine.我只在乎您,不管他人如何看待,因我坚信爱能找回属於我们的时间。我希望再次成为你的一部分,与你一起发光发亮。

7.Once in a while I find more money in the left pocket than I had in my right, but I certainly do not count on it.有一次,我发现左边口袋的钱比右边口袋还多,当然,我没有数到底多少。

8.Vince: Elvin, please. Can I count on you to keep your cool for a week, or not?文斯:艾文,别这样。你给我冷静一个星期,我能信得过你吗?

9.Okay, just do what you want. I count on you. By the way, how much you charge for a shampoo in set?好的,就按你说的做。我指望你了。顺便问一下,你们洗头发的收费是多少?

10.Once in an urban environment, the refugees are unable to count on the security that the United Nations or other NGO can provide.在城市里,联合国或其他非政府组织无法为难民提供足够的安全。