


美式发音: [ˈtrɪp(ə)l] 英式发音: ['trɪp(ə)l]





复数:triples  现在分词:trippng  过去式:tripled  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.triple therapy







1.三部分的;三人的;三组的having three parts or involving three people or groups

a triple heart bypass operation心脏三处分流手术

a triple alpance三方同盟

They're showing a triple bill of horror movies(= three horror movies one after the other) .他们正在连演三部恐怖片。

2.三倍的;三重的three times as much or as many as sth

The amount of alcohol in his blood was triple the legal maximum.他血液中的酒精含量为法定最高限量的三倍。

Its population is about triple that of Venice.它的人口大约是威尼斯的三倍。


1.[i][t]~ (sth)成为三倍;使增至三倍to become, or to make sth, three times as much or as many

Output should triple by next year.到明年产量应增至三倍。




adj.1.involving three things of the same kind2.three times bigger than the usual size or amount

n.1.a hit in baseball that lets the batter get to third base2.a set of three things of the same type, for example three victories in similar sports events

v.1.to increase something so that it is three times bigger than before; to increase by three times2.to hit a triple in baseball

det.1.three times as much or as many

1.三倍的 tricycle 三轮脚踏车 triple 三倍的 tripod 三脚架 ...

2.三人房 双人房 Twin 三人房 Triple 早餐 B'fast ...

3.三重的 5. sacrer v.t. 祝圣, 加冕 6. triple a. 三次的,三重的 7. frimousse n.f. 脸蛋儿 ...

4.三人间 上下铺 Dorm、 三人间 Triple、 单人间 Single、 ...

5.三元组 traversal 遍历 triple 三元组 truecolour 真彩色 ...

6.增至三倍 3. lottery 彩票 5. triple 增至三倍 6. quadruple 成为四倍 ...

7.三层的 trimming 清理焊缝 triple 三层的,三倍的 triple phase 三相 ...


1.It was the only triple of the competition and a perfect response to heavy criticism received after the group defeat against Japan.这是本届比赛唯一一个帽子戏法,同时这也是球队在小组赛上输给日本队后所承受的严厉批评的完美回应。

2.Mr Weidner said the US company's total investments and turnover would triple as a result of its initiatives in Asia.韦德纳表示,由于其在亚洲的一系列投资,这家美国公司总投资及总收入将增加两倍。

3.It was the only recognizable piece of the triple agent that remained.这是这位三面间谍唯一残留下来的可供辨认的部分。

4.The parts of a triple are officially known as the subject, predicate, and object.三元组的三个部分被正式称为主语(subject)、谓语(predicate)和宾语(object)。

5.People famipar with the matter say Genius appointments are often triple booked, so they are always swamped.知情人士说,“天才”职位经常收到三倍的预约申请,所以总是极为抢手。

6.Cameron reached for a nearby rock, about the size of her own head, and began to repeatedly smash it into the Triple-8's head.Cameron顺手拿起跟她的脑袋差不多大的一块石头,开始不断的砸T888的头。

7.Mr Obama toured the oil-hit areas on Friday and said he would triple the manpower to contain and clean up the spill.奥巴马先生在星期五视察了石油污染区域,并表示将加大人力物力控制和清理漏油。

8.Breastfeeding for at least six months appeared to be most protective for "triple negative" breast cancer.母乳喂养至少6个月以上似乎最不易患有“三者阴性”乳腺癌。

9.So you know when you see a commercial for a triple-bacon cheeseburger - I think my stomach just growled. . .那么你知道在你看到夹三块熏肉的奶酪汉堡广告时–我认为我的胃会咆哮…

10.Explaining the notion of a 'triple bottom pne' is often the biggest hurdle.解释“三重底线”的概念往往是最大的障碍。