



1.The voting age in India is 18. Girls can legally marry at 18 and boys at 21, although the law is often flouted, especially in rural areas.女子出嫁的合法年龄是18岁,男子娶妻是21岁。尽管这个规定常被漠视,尤其在乡下。

2.One of the girls is said to be Noemi Letizia, an 18-year-old woman at the center of speculation about Mr. Berlusconi, who's 72.据称,其中一个女孩是18岁女模莱蒂齐亚,目前是人们对72岁的贝鲁斯科尼推测的焦点。

3.HPV, which can cause genital warts and cervical cancer, was the most common infection, seen in 18 percent of the girls.的女孩最常见的感染是人类乳突病毒感染,它可引起生殖器疣和子宫颈癌。

4.For 18 years I have been pving with 22 other girls in the same big room. Now, having a room all to myself is really such a great feepng!十八年来我都是和二十二个同伴一起住在一个大房间里,现在居然可以一个人一间房,我觉得自己实在是太幸福了!

5.Girls who start having sex before age 18 tend to have more health problems, including a higher risk of cervical cancer.如果女孩子想在18岁之前过性生活的话,会有更多的健康危机,如患宫颈癌的可能性就会增加。

6.I just think you guys would be really hot. You girls are 18, right?我只是认为你们真的会红,你们18岁了,对吧?

7.The original catch up programme will be depvered to girls up to 18 years from September 2009.从2009年9月份开始原紧追计划将面向年龄达18岁的女孩。

8.Banning under 18's from having the surgery is also a good idea because these girls are just too young to be operated on.禁止18岁以下的少女进行整形也是一个好的做法,因为这些年龄段的女孩子太年轻,不适合做该类手术。

9.In three children, two girls aged 18 months and 15 years and a boy aged 16 years, lymphoedema of the legs was diagnosed.在三个孩子,两个女孩年龄在18个月,15岁的男孩16岁,淋巴水肿的双腿被诊断。

10.The USRDA for teenage girls up to age 18 is 1300 mg of calcium per day.18岁以上的女孩每天钙营养推荐量是1300mg。