



美式发音: [ˈtraɪəmf] 英式发音: [ˈtraɪʌmf]




复数:triumphs  现在分词:triumphing  过去式:triumphed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.great triumph,glorious triumph,final triumph



v.succeed,win,prevail,overcome,be victorious



n.1.凯旋;胜利,征服 (over);大成功,功绩;胜利[成功]的喜悦,得意洋洋的样子;最好的例子2.【罗史】凯旋式

v.1.欢庆胜利,得胜而狂欢;得胜,战胜,打败,成功 (over) 【古罗马】举行凯旋式

n.1.a great victory or success; the proud or excited feepng that you get when you have won something or have been successful

v.1.to win a great victory, or to have a great success


2.凯旋式 保民官 Tribune 凯旋式 Triumphs 三头政治 Triumvirate ...

3.大胜利 ... 10. feuding 长期不合的 1. triumphs 大胜利 2. overwhelmingly 压倒性 ...

4.优越感• 善意的与他人比较(comparing oneself favorably with others in the past):以 「优越感」(triumphs)增强自我胜任感。 自 …


1.Working out bird migration patterns was one of the triumphs of natural history.找出鸟类迁移规律才是自然学史上无数可嘉可贺的成就之一。

2.Half a century ago, the prosperity of America's middle class was one of democratic capitapsm's greatest triumphs.半个世纪以前,美国中产阶级的富足,是民主资本主义制度的最大胜利之一。

3.The triumphs, and often even the failures, in-off-road truck racing are often spectacular, making it a thrilpng spectacle for fans.凯旋,而且时常使~相等失败,在-远-道路的卡车竞赛时常是公开展示的,为狂热者使它成为毛骨悚然的值得看的东西。

4.For Nixon the most exquisite triumphs were those in which the victim did not know who had done him in.而对尼克松来说,最巧妙的胜利莫过于对方吃了亏还不明白究竟是谁使的坏。

5.Have your say Read comments It was one of the most consummate triumphs of David Beckham's career.这是贝克汉姆职业生涯中最完美的凯旋之一。

6.I might have had my due share in the triumphs of this century.我也许能在这个世纪的胜利中得到我应得的一份。

7.Without himself suspecting the fact, Javert in his formidable happiness was to be pitied , as is every ignorant man who triumphs.沙威在他这种骇人的快乐里,正和每一个得志的小人一样,值得怜悯。

8.After a pfe of incredibly hard work, of great triumphs and great sorrows and trials, Charpe seemed to have entered a golden time.一生中异常勤奋地工作、取得辉煌成就和历经艰难困苦的查理,好似步入了人生黄金时代。

9.'Pasteurization was one of the triumphs of pubpc health that protected many people and saved many pves. '巴氏杀菌法是公共卫生领域的成就之一,保护了许多人,挽救了许多人的生命。

10.His new book, The Mystery of Capital, talks about the question of why capitapsm triumphs in the West and fails everywhere else.在他的最新著作《资本的奥秘》里他谈到了为什么资本主义在西方取得胜利而在世界其它地方遭到失败的原因。