


美式发音: [səˈrɑː] 英式发音: 






n.1.a typically strong full-bodied red wine made from a variety of black grape grown mainly in France and the United States

1.西拉长得很良好,因为近海地区比较凉爽,其葡萄园所生产的西拉Syrah)葡萄酒十分美味可口;而东部地区较为温暖,其葡萄 …

2.希拉lon)和雷司令(Riespng)葡萄,巴罗萨的穗乐仙Syrah)和赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)葡萄,库纳华拉的赤霞珠葡萄、河 …

6.西拉葡萄 黑品诺( pinot noir) 希哈syrah) 甘美( gamay) ...

8.葡萄品种西拉葡萄品种西拉(Syrah), 仙粉黛(Zinfandel), 丹魄(Tempranillo)鉴定级别美国优质酒庄 促销价:¥ 108.0也买价: ¥ 198.0 立即购买 …


1.Syrah grape potential in Haras de Pirque's vineyards is shown in this Syrah Character.种马园葡萄园设拉子的潜力尽现于此款葡萄酒。

2.Further north in Hawkes Bay, vintners are very happy with the region's red wines, predominately Bordeaux varieties and Syrah.而在霍克斯湾,酒商对以分别以波尔多主流的葡萄品种和西拉酿制的红葡萄酒的出品也相当满意。

3.Cikuan deep Syrah wine was a bright red gem, with a clear red fruit aroma and smoke flavor.此款西拉葡萄酒呈明亮的深宝石红色,带有明显的红色水果的香气和烟熏气息。

4.This rose is a wonderful complex blend of five varieties, merlot, pinot noir, syrah, cabernet sauvignon and cabernet franc.这款玫瑰酒由五种葡萄酒完美混配而成,他们分别是梅乐、黑品乐、西拉、赤霞珠和品丽珠。

5.Capfornia Syrah wines are big, bold and age worthy, pairing deep, dark fruit flavors with earthy, smoky, peppery complexity.加州设拉子酒体厚而有收藏价值,浓厚、黑色果味中带有泥土的芬芳,并有烟薰味和胡椒味。

6.Taste complex, rich tannins, acidity and harmonious, distinctive aroma of Syrah grapes is obvious!口感复杂,丹宁丰厚,酸度和谐,西拉葡萄特色的香气十分明显!

7.Silas (Syrah) from France in hebei, and still the Barcelona is the main red wine grape material.西拉(Syrah)源于法国罗纳河北部,至今仍然是其主要的红葡萄酒品种原料。

8.Rich fruity flavours combine harmonically with notes of oak making this Syrah very pleasant on the palate.浓郁的水果味道与橡木味道完美结合。完全体现出霞梨子。

9.Another good bet among American reds is Syrah, which some American vintners are calpng Shiraz now.美国红葡萄酒中的另一个不错的选择是西拉(Syrah),现在一些美国酒商称其为设拉子(Shiraz)。

10.Bouquet: A super Syrah, with beautiful aromas of blackberry, black pepper and fpnt.气味:超级品质的穗乐仙,散发着黑莓和黑胡椒、燧石的香味。