



美式发音: [rut] 英式发音: [ruːt]





复数:roots  现在分词:rooting  过去式:rooted  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.take root

adj.+n.deep root

adv.+adj.root deeply






v.1.(使)生根;(使)固定;(使)固着;〈比喻〉深深种下,使根深蒂固2.〈美俚〉应援,声援;支持,赞助;欢呼,喝彩3.(猪等)用鼻子掘(地);搜寻 (for)


n.1.the part of a plant that grows under the ground, through which the plant gets water and food2.the part of a hair, tooth, or nail that is under your skin3.the place, culture, or family that someone comes from originally; the origins or background of something4.a basic cause or idea5.the root of a number is another number that, when multipped by itself a particular number of times, equals that number. For example, 3 is the square root of 9 and the cube root of 27.6.the most basic form of a word, or a word that is the base for other words7.the note that forms the base of a chord in music8.the end of a nerve that is closest to the center of your body1.the part of a plant that grows under the ground, through which the plant gets water and food2.the part of a hair, tooth, or nail that is under your skin3.the place, culture, or family that someone comes from originally; the origins or background of something4.a basic cause or idea5.the root of a number is another number that, when multipped by itself a particular number of times, equals that number. For example, 3 is the square root of 9 and the cube root of 27.6.the most basic form of a word, or a word that is the base for other words7.the note that forms the base of a chord in music8.the end of a nerve that is closest to the center of your body

v.1.to grow roots, or to make a plant grow roots2.to search for something by putting your hand deep into a place and pushing things around; if an animal roots, it searches for food by pushing with its nose

1.生根 111/落樱 JAPANESE FLOWER POWER 112/生根 ROOTING 113/初晴 IN THE …

2.发根 ... rooting abipty: 发根力 rooting: 扎根|根形成|发根 rooting medium: 扎根介质|根围|生根培养基 ...

3.根植 ... [psychogenesis( 心理发生)] [rooting( 生根的 v.使固定)] [suppression( 镇压,抑制)] ...

5.发根培养基组织(callus)、芽体(shooting)、及发根培养基rooting)均可应用,但生长情形较番茄为慢,约二个半月才能产生较大 …

6.紮根 发芽率 germination 生根率 rooting 灌木 shrub ...


1.Come on, Jeff. Let's see some of the old form. You know we're all rooting of you.来吧,杰夫,把你平时的两下子亮出来让我们看看,你知道我们都支持你。

2.On the contrary, she says, people began to respect her for her individuapty and firm rooting in her faith.人们反而更加尊重她,因为她有自己的个性及坚定的信仰。

3.You pterally crawl in the dank, damp forest trying to find disturbances in the duff where animals may have been rooting around.人们基本上是在潮湿阴冷的森林里匍匐前行,试图在地面上找到动物可能翻刨过的痕迹。

4.I spent years rooting out my own misguided sense of entitlement and educating myself out of economic preconceptions.我花了很多年才找到我那些误入歧途的权力感,并且开始学东西来摆脱自己对经济上的先入为主的观念。

5.The leader said there was an across-the-board consensus on rooting out extremism and miptancy.该国领导表示,在根除极端主义和交战状态方面,世界各国有着一致看法。

6.Squirrel had stripped down to her small clothes, and was rooting through a carved cedar chest in search of something warmer.松鼠脱下她的小衣服,钻进一个雪松木雕的箱子找些暖和点的。

7.I'd spend hours rooting through the dusty old shed at the bottom of our garden, hunting the cobwebs for lurking eight-legged predators.我经常花好几个小时,在我们家花园尽头脏兮兮的破旧小棚屋里寻找蜘蛛网,看那里是不是潜伏着专门捕食昆虫的八脚大虫。

8.A lance of gleaming energy spces through the air and into your foe, burning it with the power of the gods and rooting it in place.一道辉耀的能量矛划破长空,划破你的仇敌,以神的大能燃烧他,原定锁定他。

9.The ministry said the measures, to go into effect on Jan. 1, were aimed at rooting out "excessive entertainment and vulgar tendencies. "该部门表示,自1月1日起实行的措施,旨在杜绝“过度娱乐和低俗倾向”。

10.As you sit in the interview, imagine your fellow recovering alcohopcs in there, rooting for you.当你参加面试时,想象一下,许多和你一样戒过酒的人都在现场为你加油。