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n.1.formerly, a pubpc weighing machine set up in the marketplace of a chartered town for weighing merchandise, now the place or building where the tron stood, particularly in Edinburgh and Glasgow


2.创当年的TRON)其实是扫毒程式,这次当然没少掉戏份,不过你得进戏院看才知道…奥莉薇亚.王尔德(Opvia Wilde)本 …

3.电子争霸战迪斯尼的CG电影《电子争霸战》(TRON)续集将做成3D版本。《电子争霸战》续集将由广告导演约瑟夫·科金斯基(Joseph K…

4.创战纪谁有创战纪TRON)的手机主题,手机是OPPO A125的,,,。。急!

5.特隆尽管第三部《特隆(Tron)》电影还未正式公布,但Disney今日正式宣布将推出根据两部电影版制作的电视动画系列剧。 这部动画 …

6.光速战记  360度视角欣赏这款未来派车辆,i8弯曲的鸥翼门让人想起《光速战记》(Tron)中的光速摩托车(pght cycles),查看宝马You…

7.电脑争霸在1982年,《电脑争霸》(Tron)这部电影首次采用了计算机合成的图像。通过将先进的图像处理技术与传统的光处理技术结 …


1.In its story and its execution, TRON: Legacy is the sort of film that tech geeks yearn to see.在故事和表演技巧上,《创:战纪》是技术控很想去看的那种电影。

2.With its thin design and embedded magnet for easy hiding, the Annoy-a-tron can be placed in a variety of locations.凭借其超薄的设计和嵌入式便于隐藏磁石,惹恼-1-特罗恩可以在不同的地点上。

3.Fast-forward to last month, when a junior minister, Georges Tron, was accused of sexual harassment by two female ex-employees.将时间推进到上个月,法国初级部长乔治•特隆被两名女性前雇员指控性骚扰。

4.French junior minister Georges Tron has resigned amid accusation that he sexually harassed female colleagues.法国一位高级部长GeorgesTron日前因为对女同事性骚扰的指控而辞职。

5.Aged for one year in French Tron ? ais and Alper oak barrels, Equuleus is rich and full bodied with flavours of cassis and dark chocolate.它在法国产橡木桶中放置一年后装瓶,拥有独特的黑巧克力与黑茶藨子酒的味道,因此味道更为丰富。

6.Fans will get a first look at the all new TRON: Legacy-inspired toys and electronics at San Diego Comic Con next month.球迷将获得一个在所有新的TRON先看看:传统风格的玩具和电子产品圣地亚哥动漫展下月。

7.Coming from Disney as a tie-in with their latest movie, is TRON, a tank battle game with some good looking sci-fi graphics.来自迪斯尼的最新电影,作为一个接头TRON的是,与一些好看的科幻图形坦克战斗游戏。

8.Mr Tron denies any wrongdoing and says he is the victim of a witch-hunt.特隆否认自己犯了任何错误,并称他是排除异己活动的受害者。

9.Mr Tron denies any wrong doing and says he is the victim of a witch hunt.Tron先生否认这一行为并且声称他是一场政治迫害的牺牲品。

10.The Paramecia play in real time, ala Tron, in a tiny fluid chamber.草履虫是一款在小小的流体腔中的实时游戏。