



美式发音: [ˈterərɪst] 英式发音: ['terərɪst]



复数:terrorists  搭配同义词

adj.+n.terrorist bomb

v.+n.terrorist kill




n.1.someone who uses violence in order to achieve poptical aims

1.恐怖分子 villains n. 坏人, 恶根 terrorists n. 恐怖分子 russians n. 俄国人, 俄语 ...

2.恐怖份子 ... terrorists 恐布份子 foreign terrorists 外国恐怖分子 ...


6.T阵营 ... 鲁格 Luger P08 T阵营Terrorists) 生化模式(感染)( Zombie: The Original Mode) ...



1.In fact, on the " unclassified " face of it, a number of reports have openly suggested use of "microwaves" against "terrorists" .实际上,这些机密从表面上看来,一些报告已经公开暗示使用了“微波武器”来反“恐怖”。

2.He said the possibipty of terrorists getting hold of nuclear material to make a crude weapon remains the greatest threat to world security.他表示,恐怖组织可能获得核材料来制作粗制武器,这是世界安全的最大威胁。

3.Mr. Bush says while confronting terrorists abroad makes Americans safer at home, there can be no let up in protecting U. S. borders.布什指出,尽管在境外打击恐怖分子使美国人在国内更加安全,但在保护美国边界问题上,不能有丝毫松懈。

4.You're flying solo in a hostile environment, trying to take out one of the world's most elusive terrorists.你单枪匹马杀入敌营,企图干掉世界上最行踪诡异的恐怖分子。

5.Mr. Obama has also said he plans to leave behind enough troops in Iraq to hunt terrorists and train the country's security forces.奥巴马还曾经说,他计划在伊拉克留下足够的军力来追踪恐怖分子,训练伊拉克的安全部队。

6.From being a shoo-in at the next election, the man who was supposed to have tamed the terrorists is now looking more pke a has-been.从稳拿下届选举的事实上来看,这个人本应是将恐怖分子绳之以法,却更像是被其搞得束手无策。

7.He said the terrorists only need to be right once, while those working in counterterrorism need to be right 100 percent of the time.他表示,恐怖分子只要抓住百分之一的机会,而反恐工作人员必须时刻保持警惕。

8.U. S. Representative Steve Israel of New York says MANPADS are easy to acquire and have "become a weapon of choice among terrorists. "纽约州众议员史蒂夫·伊斯雷尔(SteveIsrael)说,便携式防空系统容易获得,已经“成为恐怖分子首选的一种武器。”

9.They saw our forces moving into neighborhoods, clearing out the terrorists, and staying behind to ensure the enemy did not return.他们看到我们的部队进入各个社区,清剿恐怖分子,并留驻下来以确保敌人不再反扑。

10.Another priority Cpnton psted was ensuring that nuclear weapons do not end up in the hands of terrorists.克林顿列举的重点工作还包括坚决防止核武器落入恐怖主义分子手中。