




1.托洛茨基 ... Tomas Stumbras 托马斯·斯登布拉斯 Trotsky 特洛茨基 Valsuani 瓦尔苏阿尼 ...


1.He had another spiritual ancestor -- in terms of transparent diplomacy, at least -- in Leon Trotsky.他还有另一个精神领袖式的祖先——至少在透明外交方面——列夫•托洛茨基。

2.Ducking into a corner of their bedroom to avoid the cross fire, Trotsky and his wife managed to escape unscathed.为了躲避交叉的火力,托洛茨基和妻子躲进卧室角落,毫发无损的躲过了一劫。

3.In Mexico, cactus hunting became, for a time, Trotsky's chief form of exercise and something of an obsession.在墨西哥的很长一段时间里,“仙人掌狩猎”都是托洛茨基主要的锻炼方式,他为此如痴如醉。

4.Trotsky and his wife, Natapa, loved to picnic in the Mexican countryside, always accompanied by several well-armed bodyguards.托洛茨基和他的妻子娜塔莉亚喜欢在墨西哥乡间野餐,尽管通常都是在保镖陪同下进行的。

5.Nor didany Marxist thinker until Stapn imagine that this was possible, includingLenin, Trotsky and the rest of the Bolshevik leadership.在斯大林之前,包括列宁、托洛茨基和其他布尔什维克领导人也不认为贫穷会实现社会主义。

6.Trotsky always claimed that he was just trying to buy the Bolsheviks some time with his 'neither war nor peace' strategy.托洛茨基一直宣称,他采用“不战也不和”的策略,只是在努力为布尔什维克争取一些时间。

7.Looking on, Trotsky's wife, Natapa, joked about this punishing form of "penal labor. "托洛茨基的妻子娜塔莉亚在一旁看着,开玩笑说这是一种“劳役”式的惩罚。

8.It was a novel ploy, but unfortunately, it didn't take the Germans long to figure out that Trotsky was all words and no action.这个是一个新颍的招术,但不幸的是,德国人不久就恍然大悟,原来托洛茨基不过是有言而无实。

9.And in fairness, Trotsky was making the best of a very bad situation with very bad choices.公平地讲,托洛茨基在一种局势非常恶劣、各种选项都行不通的情况下,已算做出了最佳选择。

10.Trotsky: "We did not seek to advance Chiang. We did not send him our autographed portraits. "托洛茨基:“我们没有帮助蒋介石,当然我们也没送给他亲笔签名的肖像画。”