




1.做演讲 Give a lecture 做讲座 Make speech 做演讲 Make a presentation 做陈述或介绍 ...

2.发表演讲 5.绝望的 despaired/ hopeless 1.发表演讲 make speech 2.有决心学好某事 be determined to do ...


1.Make speech whether include the profound ending of opening speech and main as well as a meaning?演讲是否包括开场白、主体以及一个意义深远的结尾?

2.The falpng costs of processing power and storage capacity have also helped make speech recognition more accurate.处理能力和存储容量成本的降低同样帮助语音识别系统更加准确。

3.it will be the most challenge for me to make speech in pubpc.在公共面前演讲对我来说是非常大的挑战。

4.Also give them lots of different sound combinations to try. Make speech silly and fun.把不同的声音组合在一起,让你的话听起来傻呼呼又很有趣。

5.Make speech theme must is have important meaning, but also do not remove speaker can express through humorous skill.演讲主题必须是有重要意义的,但也不排除演讲者可以通过幽默手法表达出来。

6.Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to make speech here first.女士们,先生们,在下很荣幸在此发表见解。

7.Stefan Schurig will make speech at Development of High-tech Enterprises International Forums.斯特凡•舒里希先生将在本届科博会中国高新企业发展国际论坛发表演讲。

8.Mr. Grzegorz W. Kolodko will make speech at Development of High-tech Enterprises International Forums.科勒德克先生将在本届科博会中国高新企业发展国际论坛发表演讲。

9.I must say i be not too fond of make speech .我得说我不太喜欢发表演讲。

10.Marc Uzan will make speech at China Finance Summit.马克•让将在本届中国金融高峰会演讲。