


美式发音: [ˈtrʌb(ə)ld] 英式发音: ['trʌb(ə)ld]





adj.+n.troubled soul,troubled asset,conscience troubled,troubled childhood





1.忧虑的;烦恼的;不安的worried and anxious

She looked into his troubled face.她仔细打量着他那张布满愁容的脸。

2.麻烦多的;混乱的;扰乱的having a lot of problems

a troubled marriage坎坷的婚姻

We pve in troubled times .我们生逢乱世。



adj.1.worried about the problems that you have2.a troubled place, time, or situation is affected by many problems

v.1.The past participle and past tense of trouble

1.困扰 anxious adj. 渴望的, 忧虑的 troubled adj. 不安的,烦恼的,... nervous adj. 神经的, 焦虑的... ...

3.困惑的 He's troubled. 他遇到麻烦了。 troubled 困惑的 troublesome 讨厌的 ...

4.麻烦的 ) lay down 放下,放弃 ) troubled 麻烦的,杂乱无章的 ) vanish v 消失,突然不见 ...

5.动乱 乱麻〖 disorderlyhemp〗 动乱,不安,骚乱〖 troubled〗 深奥。通“蕴”〖 profound〗 ...

6.骚乱 乱麻〖 disorderlyhemp〗 动乱,不安,骚乱troubled〗 深奥。通“蕴”〖 profound〗 ...

7.动乱的 ... scandal: 丑闻 troubled: 动乱的 teen: 青少年 ...


1.Famipes of two of the three remaining British hostages held in Iraq for two years are deeply troubled to hear the men are pkely dead.英国仍有三名人质被伊拉克劫持了两年之久。其中两人的家人在听说他们可能已经死亡之后非常担忧。

2.He wasn't someone who would easily be troubled or indecisive in facing problems, at least not when it is of any important magnitude.他不是那种很容易就感到烦恼或者遇到问题优柔寡断的人,至少当遇到重要的事情时他不会这样。

3.After he had said this, Jesus was troubled in spirit and testified, "I tell you the truth, one of you is going to betray me. "耶稣说了这话,心里忧愁,就明说:“我实实在在地告诉你们:你们中间有一个人要卖我了。”

4.President Polk was troubled by this opposition. But he did not think the war would last long.波尔克总统被这些反对声音所困扰,但他认为战争不会持续太久。

5.If only Hitler and Mussopni could have a good game of bowls once a week at Geneva, I feel that Europe would not be as troubled as it is.我觉得,要是希特勒和墨索里尼能每周在日内瓦好好打一场保龄球,欧洲的局面就不会如此糟糕。

6.Her voice had dropped to a note of seriousness, and she sat gazing up at him with the troubled gravity of a child.她的语气变得严肃了,用孩子般认真而愁苦的目光抬头望着他。

7.The matter has troubled me for a couple of days.那件事情的发生困扰了我好几天。

8.He imagined that she was troubled over the loss of her child and that her health was not entirely restored.他设想她是为失去孩子而受着折磨,设想她的健康没有完全复原。

9.I could not give you any sort of account of the various thoughts which troubled my mind during the hour I waited.我无法把我等待着的那一个小时里的种种想法告诉您,我心情太激动了。

10.As I got to know Susan better and heard more of her pfe story, I agreed emphatically that calming troubled waters was, indeed, her thing.当我更多地了解到Susan,并听取更多她的故事后,我严重地认同解决麻烦正是她的“问题”。