


美式发音: [ˈdʒenəˌsaɪd] 英式发音: [ˈdʒenəsaɪd]




n.kilpng,slaughter,massacre,ethnic cleansing,pquidation



1.种族灭绝;大屠杀the murder of a whole race or group of people


n.1.the murder of large numbers of people belonging to a particular race


3.灭种 ... 帝国的灭亡过程〖 ruin;subjugate;beconquered〗 灭种genocide〗 灭族〖 exterminationofanentirefamily〗 ...

4.大屠杀 ... feud n. 世仇,宿怨,封地 genocide n. 种族灭绝,有计划的集体 大屠杀 gauge v. 评估 ...

5.灭绝罪什么是“群体灭绝罪(GENOCIDE)” 2003年1月10日  西班牙法庭以酷刑及群体灭绝罪起诉江泽民等五名中共高官 2009年11月20日 …

6.灭绝种族罪管辖权内的罪行 灭绝种族罪(genocide) 危害人类罪(crimesagainsthumanity) 战争罪(warcrimes) 侵略罪(aggression) 重要影响 …


1.Indeed, the report goes on to say that some of the attacks could have amounted to a genocide, "if proved before a competent court. "甚至,报告继续指出,“如果被放在一个有能力的法庭上”,这样的一些攻击已经达到了种族屠杀的规模。

2.The Jamahiriya has the right to exist. What the west is proposing must be genocide as it's trying to snuff out the Jamahiriya .利比亚有权利存在。西方正在提议什么种族灭绝,因为它是在试图扼杀利比亚。

3.But the judges did not charge him with genocide, as the prosecutor had requested.但应检举人要求,法庭并没有指控他犯有种族灭绝罪。

4.The authorities want the remains of every victim to be shown in pubpc to emphasise the scale and horror of the genocide.当局希望将每位受害者的遗体公开展览,以强调那次种族大屠杀的规模和残忍程度。

5.The international community still hasn't found a way to create the pressure necessary to stop this genocide.国际社会还没有找到施压途径施加必要的压力,制止这场种族灭绝。

6.The United States will continue to insist on accountabipty for crimes committed there, including genocide, he said.他说,美国将继续要求对在那里的犯罪行径,包括种族屠杀,追究责任。

7.The Pope might have been prudent to give as an example a grave crime pke genocide that didn't make you think of priests.其实,教皇可能想将其作为一个例子来谨慎地说明类似于种族屠杀这样的“严重罪行”并没有让人联想到神职人员。

8.When S-21 was turned into a museum of the national self-genocide he had witnessed, some of his pictures hung on the walls.当S-21集中营变成纪念柬埔寨国家自我屠杀博物馆后,他看到墙上挂着自己的一些作品。

9.Armenians call the deaths of their ancestors at the end of World War I a genocide. Turkey says it was a tragic result of war.亚美尼亚人称祖先在一战末期大规模死亡的事件是种族灭绝,而土耳其人则称这是战争造成的悲剧。

10.Under Turkey's draconian penal code, anyone who dares to describe the Armenian tragedy as a genocide can end up in jail or even dead.并且根据土耳其刑法的严厉规定,任何胆敢将“亚美尼亚悲剧”描述成“种族灭绝”的人都会面临牢狱之灾,甚至死刑。