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adv.1.in a way that corresponds to fact or reapty or expresses the trutstrong网站屏蔽ed to reinforce the truth of what has just been said or is about to be said

1.如实地 singer n. 歌唱家,歌手 truthfully ad. 说真话的,如实地 barrier n. 障碍;障碍物 ...

2.诚实地 present 呈现;描述;介绍;赠送 truthfully 说真话地;诚实地 passion 激情;热情;热爱 ...

3.真实地 suitcase 手提箱 truthfully 真实地 (a couple of) (一)对 ...

4.说真话地 present 呈现;描述;介绍;赠送 truthfully 说真话地;诚实地 passion 激情;热情;热爱 ...

5.说真话的 singer n. 歌唱家,歌手 truthfully ad. 说真话的,如实地 barrier n. 障碍;障碍物 ...

6.深信不疑地 ... engagement-specific 特定业务,具体业务 truthfully 诚实地,深信不疑地 compromise 妥协,危害,让步 ...

7.真诚地 7.amazing 另人吃惊的 8.truthfully 真诚地,真挚地 4.stupid 愚蠢的 ...


1.If it's popular that's great but you just have to tell the story as truthfully as you can and hope that it connects with people.如果电影受欢迎,那相当棒;但是还得要把故事尽量真真实实地说出来,并且要和人们有关。

2.Can any one of you Truthfully say that you are NOT FEELING the difference in the vibration of yourself and that which surrounds you?你们中的任何人可能坦诚的说你无法感受这种不同的内在振动么?并且还有这围绕你们周围的一起?

3.The only reward is that the winner can then truthfully claim to have written (at least a few words) for The Economist.仅有的报酬是获胜者可以诚实地宣布其已为《经济学人》撰稿过(至少一些文字)。

4.It's very nice of him, but truthfully I'd rather just spend a quiet evening in the hotel getting ready for tomorrow's appointment.他太客气了!不过我倒想静静的在饭店休息一晚,准备明天的会谈。

5.We would be having a heart to heart discussion. I might speak from the bottom of my heart or say things honestly and truthfully.我们将有心对心的交谈。我说话发自内心或诚实的真诚的说事情。

6.Truthfully, there is no doubt in mind he would've tore Colpson a new a-hole tonight if it happened.说实话,如果那发生了的话,我绝对不会怀疑他会把科里森撕成碎片。

7.I told him truthfully that I had just returned from my vacation; he answered the question as truthfully as he could.我如实地告诉他我休假刚回来;他尽可能如实地回答问题。

8.It was truthfully not much of a village, just an inn and a few houses crouching beside the road within a stone's-throw of the woods.这确实不能称作真正意义上的村镇,因为这里只有一个酒馆,几间房子,低矮地建在路旁,距离森林,也只有一箭之地。

9.Some few he did not answer truthfully. Some he avoided answering, when my colleagues and I bepeved he knew the answers.有些问题我们相信他能够回答,而他回答的的确不够诚实,有些他拒绝回答。

10.Surround yourself with people courageous enough to speak truthfully about what's best for your organization and the customers you serve.结交勇敢的人,他们能够诚实地告诉你什么对于你的团队和你服务的客户是最好的。