

try again

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1.再试试 they hurt (伤口)疼 try again 再试试 watch out! 当心! ...

2.再试一次 weight 重量;质量 try again 再试一次 worm 虫;蠕虫 ...

3.重试 NO( 否)=7 TRY AGAIN重试)=10 CONTINUE( 继续)=11 ...

4.下次再试 47. Give a signal 打灯号 67. Try again 下次再试 35. Pul1 0ver to the curb 靠路边停车 ...

5.再试一遍 No child processes 无子过程 Try again 再试一遍 Out of memory 内存 …

6.再试一试 52. Think it over. 想一想。 53. Try again. 再试一试。 56. Spell this word. 拼这个单词。 ...

7.再来一次 again and again adv. 再三地,反复地 try again 再来一次 over again 再一次 ...


1.There was an error while reading this disk; it appears to be unusable. Please insert a different disk and try again.读取磁盘时出错。该磁盘似乎不可用。请另外插入一张磁盘,然后重试。

2.Destroy the enemy formation. First, try to do it with high-explosive bombs, then select torpedoes and armour - piercing bombs and try again.破坏敌人编队。第一,尝试做它用高爆炸弹,然后选择鱼雷和穿甲炸弹再尝试。

3.You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.您正试图将文件保存到只读磁盘。请检查输入的位置是否正确,然后再试一次。

4.Now it must try again to think the unthinkable, to leave the era of the H-bomb and enter the time of the human bomb.如今必须再次思考未曾思考的东西,离开氢弹的时代,而进入人体炸弹的时代。

5.After a few days, of ready to do sth we try again, still be to part on bad terms.几天后,蠢蠢欲动的我们再次尝试,依然是不欢而散。

6."I absolutely loved the experience and I decided that I really wanted to try again. I'm so excited, " she said.洛伊斯表示︰“我十分喜欢参加选美大赛的经历,这样的活动让我兴奋。”

7.They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things; they are wilpng to make mistakes and try again.他们不怕重复听他们所听过的东西,也不害怕张口去说不熟悉的东西。他们愿意出了错以后再设法改正。

8.And instead be able to see with clarity where you went wrong and what you can learn from your mistake. And then try again.如此也能看清你错在何处,看清你能从自己的错误中学到什么,并不断地改进。

9.The phone number the wizard is trying to dial is currently busy. Cpck Redial to try again. Cpck Help for more information.向导正在拨打的电话号码目前正忙。请单击“重拨”再试一次。单击“帮助”可获得详细信息。

10.If this card is returned unopened I'll know you aren't ready to reconcile yet, and I'll try again next year.如果这张卡片原封退回,我明白你还不愿和解,那我将等到来年再试。