


美式发音: [ˈbupən] 英式发音: [ˈbuːpən]

adj.布尔逻辑体系的(分别以 1 和 0 代指是和非)





1.布尔逻辑体系的(分别以 1 和 0 代指是和非)connected with a system, used especially in computing and electronics , that uses only the numbers 1 (to show sth is true) and 0 (to show sth is false)



adj.1.a Boolean search is one using the wordsand,” “or,” andnotto find a word or combination of words using an Internet search engine. For example you could ask to search forcar or automobile,” orNew York and not New York state.”


2.布尔值尔,他是爱尔兰科克的皇后学院的英国数学家。布林boolean)在英文中的意思是“布尔的”,这是为了表彰布尔的贡献,而“ …

4.布尔运算 Bones Objects 骨骼物体 Boolean 布尔运算 Boolean Compound Object 布尔合 …

5.布林值 货币型 Currency 逻辑型 Boolean 确认框( Check Box) ...


1.In the next lesson , you will learn to create a Boolean parameter to control how much detail to see in a report .在下一课中,您将学习创建布尔值参数来控制查看报表的详细程度。

2.Statement can be used to execute one of two blocks of program statements, depending on the value of a particular Boolean expression.语句可以如何用于根据一个特定布尔表达式的值,来执行两个程序语句块中的其中一个。

3.In the next lesson, you will learn to control the initial drilldown state of this report with a hidden Boolean parameter.在下一课中,您将学习如何使用隐藏的布尔值参数控制此报表的初始明细状态。

4.This creates our model with a thumb field (for a thumbnail picture), a caption, and a Boolean indicating if it is in our hypothetical set.这会创建一个模型,其中包含一个thumb字段(用于缩略图)、一个caption和一个Boolean(表示照片是否在照片集中)。

5.The result with a select attribute is not automatically converted to a string; as such, a Boolean value remains a Boolean.带有select属性的结果不被自动转换成字符串;因此,Boolean值保持为Boolean值。

6.Easy to read format data for date, duration, currency, integers, doubles, percentage and Boolean.易于读取日期、持续时间、货币、整数、双精度、百分比和布尔值格式的数据

7.The arithmetic types that represent integers, characters, and boolean values are collectively referred to as the integral types .表示整数、字符和布尔值的算术类型合称为整型。

8.Attribute to marshal the Boolean type to any of the representations shown in the following table.属性来将布尔类型封送到下表中显示的任何一种表示形式。

9.You can optionally supply the name of a custom dictionary and a Boolean value indicating whether you want to ignore case.您可以有选择地提供自定义字典的名称和一个指示是否忽略大小写的Boolean值。

10.Regions A region is a complex area of any shape and is generally defined as a Boolean combination of simpler regions.区域-区域是任何形状的复杂区域,它通常被定义为较简单区域的布尔组合。