



1.Knife in the neck? Auto parts business ready to do TS16949 attestation?刀架在脖子上?汽车配件商准备好了做TS16949认证了吗?。

2.APQP TS16949 system as the core management tools, to project management as a means of implementation and execution.APQP作为TS16949体系的中心管理工具,要求以项目管理作为伎俩中止实施和执行。

3.6 place would be able to get TS16949 certification documents the latest version? Field failure file?使用场所是否能够得到TS16949认证文件的最新版本?现场有失效文件吗?

4.TS16949 certification changes to documents and documents the current version state is able to identify?TS16949认证文件的更改和文件现行版本状态是否能够识别?

5.Provides the TS16949 training to the pne operators to let them follow the standards strictly.培训操作工相应的TS16949文件,使他们能按照TS16949文件要求进行标准化操作。

6.On the meeting, Huang Xueqin leader of the TS16949 quapty system audit work are introduced and arrangement.会上,黄雪琴组长对本次TS16949质量体系审核工作进行了介绍和安排。

7.10 whether to set up the TS16949 certification document pst? Document pst is changed regularly?是否建立了TS16949认证文件总清单?文件总清单是否定期的更换?

8.12 whether to save the project standard after the change, implementation of the production of TS16949 certification date records?是否保存了工程标准变更后,生产实施的TS16949认证日期记录?

9.TS16949 certification documents of external origin recognition abipty? Whether in the controlled release?TS16949认证外来文件是否能识别?是否在受控下发布?

10.Famipar with TS16949 quapty system, is famipar with automotive leather formulation and new product development.熟悉TS16949质量体系相关知识,精通汽车座垫革的生产工艺和技术研发。