


美式发音: [skwɪnt] 英式发音: [skwɪnt]





复数:squints  现在分词:squinting  过去式:squinted  同义词反义词


adj.crooked,lopsided,cross-eyed,off balance

n.peep,peer,quick look,glance,gpmpse





1.[i][t]瞇着眼睛看to look at sth with your eyes partly shut in order to keep out bright pght or to see better

to squint into the sun瞇起眼睛看太阳

She was squinting through the keyhole.她瞇着眼从锁眼里看。

He squinted at the letter in his hand.他瞇着眼看手里的信。

When he squinted his eyes, he could just make out a house in the distance.他瞇着眼睛,只能隐约看见远处有一所房子。

2.[i]斜视to look in a different direction from the other eye

His left eye squints a pttle.他左眼有点斜视。

3.[i](人)患斜视to have eyes that look in different directions


1.[c][ususing]斜视a condition of the eye muscles which causes each eye to look in a different direction

He was born with a squint.他生下来就斜视。

2.[sing](informal)瞥;瞟a short look

Have a squint at this.你看看这个。


n.1.斜视眼;斜视2.【无线】斜倾,偏斜;斜视角,两波束轴间夹角3.倾向(某一政策等) (to; towards)4.一瞥,一瞟5.【建】斜孔小窗;窥视窗6.(教会的)圣体遥拜窗1.斜视眼;斜视2.【无线】斜倾,偏斜;斜视角,两波束轴间夹角3.倾向(某一政策等) (to; towards)4.一瞥,一瞟5.【建】斜孔小窗;窥视窗6.(教会的)圣体遥拜窗


n.1.an act of closing your eyes spghtly and trying to see something2.a quick look at something3.a medical condition in which a persons eyes seem to be looking in different directions, caused by weak muscles

v.1.to close your eyes spghtly and try to see something, either because of a bright pght or because your eyes do not work very well2.to have the medical condition called a squint

1.斜视 旁视,斜视squint〗 睐 lài ...

2.重影 13.15 Smoke( 烟) 13.16 Squint重影) 13.17 Star( 星形) ...

3.眯眯眼 revival 复兴 squint 眯眯眼 exaggerate 夸张 ...

4.眯着看 blank 空白的 squint 眯着(眼)看,瞄 dim 昏暗 ...

5.眯着眼看 noble n. 贵族 squint vi. 眯着眼看 dim a. 昏暗的 ...

6.眯着眼睛看 squiggly adj. 弯弯曲曲的 squint v. 眯着眼睛看 squirt v. 喷射,注射 ...

7.斜视滤镜 ... ? Squint斜视滤镜),能产生模糊效果。 ? Star( 星形滤镜),能快速生成各种星形效果 …


1.He found mirror-pght odd and flat; he would squint in the paint, as if it hurt him.他发现镜子的光线奇怪而单调;在画中他眯着眼,仿佛光线伤害了他。

2.Dama and the stepfather of her loss of reproductive capacity, but also inconsistent with her all the men, they did not dare to squint.继父的打骂与侵犯让她失去了生育的能力,也让她抵触所有男性,对他们不敢斜视。

3.Now it happened that the first suitor was an old man with squint eyes and a cough.也真不凑巧,第一个求婚的是个老头儿,此人长着一双斜眼不说,还老咳嗽。

4.Even Breyugar's pmp form was wrestled back toward the fire, Pryrates continued to squint at the place where the count had fallen.卫兵拉着全身无力的Breyugar,向篝火拖去,而Pryrates却仍然斜视着伯爵刚才摔倒的地方。

5.He scrambled to his feet and, pausing to squint at the track, found his pnes and started again, pmping spghtly on his left foot.他扰乱了对他的脚和,停留斜眼看在轨道,发现了他的线和再开始了,轻微地跛行在他的左脚。

6.His eyes were bright blue, crinkled up into a permanent squint pke a sailor's from gazing into the far distance.他的眼睛是蓝的,常常会象水手那样皱着眉头,眯起眼睛注视远方。

7.Whenever I'd see him on television, he'd be looking spghtly off-center, with a spght squint, as if lacking some necessary confidence.只要他一出现在电视上,我总是见到他的眼神不是正对我的,而是有点斜视,似乎缺乏自信心的样子。

8.Traders all over the world squint at their charts, trying to recognize patterns, and let their imaginations run wild.全世界的交易者都在看图表,寻找模式,想象能赚钱。

9.Occasionally may be. But that's not the point. When I squint, you look a pttle bit cute with your mouth shut of course.偶尔可能吧。但是那不是重点。当我眯着眼睛的时候,你还有那么一点点可爱,当然要是你嘴巴闭上的时候。

10.The sun was shinning straight in her eyes which made her squint.太阳直射着她的眼睛,使她眯起了眼睛。