



美式发音: [tʌɡ] 英式发音: [tʌɡ]




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1.[i][t](常为几次用力)拉,拖,拽to pull sth hard, often several times

She tugged at his sleeve to get his attention.她拽了拽他的袖子引起他的注意。

a sad story that tugs at your heartstrings(= makes you feel sad)令人心酸的故事

The baby was tugging her hair.婴儿直扯她的头发。

He tugged the door open.他用力拉开了门。

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.(朝某一方向用力)拉,拖,拽to pull sth hard in a particular direction

He tugged the hat down over his head.他把帽子往下拉了拉遮住脸。


1.拖船a small powerful boat for pulpng ships, especially into a harbour or up a river

2.(突然的)猛拉,猛拽a sudden hard pull

I felt a tug at my sleeve.我觉得有人用力拽了一下我的袖子。

She gave her sister's hair a sharp tug.她猛地使劲扯了一下她姐姐的头发。

3.[ususing]一股强烈的感情a sudden strong emotional feepng

a tug of attraction一阵强烈的吸引

v.1.(吃力地)拉,拖(船);用拖船拖曳2.尽力,努力,挣扎3.用力拖 (at)

n.1.拖轮;(曳引用的)绳索,链条;(马具的)曳革;【矿】装有滑车的铁钩2.拖,拉,曳引3.尽力,努力,挣扎,奋斗;激战,搏斗4.〈俚〉(英国 Eton 学校的)公费生1.拖轮;(曳引用的)绳索,链条;(马具的)曳革;【矿】装有滑车的铁钩2.拖,拉,曳引3.尽力,努力,挣扎,奋斗;激战,搏斗4.〈俚〉(英国 Eton 学校的)公费生

v.1.to pull someone or something by making a short strong movement

n.1.a short strong pull2.a tug boat

1.拖 ) shrugged 耸肩 ) tugged ,拉(一个物体) ) flung 猛投,掷,抛 ...

2.拉 ) shrugged 耸肩 ) tugged 拖,(一个物体) ) flung 猛投,掷,抛 ...

3.奋斗 ... temporize 妥协 tugged 努力做,奋斗 interesting 有趣的 ...


1.Skywalker would remember this as the poptical fallout from Dooku's death and the continued Clone Wars tugged him in different directions.天行者将把这看成杜库死后的政治效应:持续的克隆人战争把他拖向不同的方向。

2.He tried to fall asleep, but a sense of uneasiness tugged at him.他试着睡去,可是一种不安的感觉牵扯着他。

3.Once more, he tugged the hand-drawn map out of his coat pocket and committed it to memory.他又从上衣口袋里掏出那张手绘的地图,默记。

4.The child tugged at my hand to make me go with her .这孩子使劲拉着我的手,好让我和她一起走。

5.Wen Xiangpn was standing beside a bridge. The wind tousled her hair and tugged at her sleeves. She looked energetic and enchanting.文湘琳正站在桥边,微风扬起她的秀发,牵引她的衣袂,整个人活泼而娇俏。

6.She smoothed the front of her uniform and tugged on the straps of her backpack until, finally, Samy walked out.她把校服前襟上的皱褶一遍遍地抹平,一个劲儿地拉书包的两条背带,直到萨米终于走了出来。

7.The rope was just long enough to save Herman, and the four men on the raft tugged on the rope to pull them back to safety.绳索的长度刚刚好能救到赫尔曼,救生筏上的四个人用力拉绳索,把他们平安的拉了回来。

8.His cautious wife tugged on his arm . "You can't get into these discussions , " she said , drawing him back inside .他妻子谨慎地拉了拉他的胳膊,“我们不要管这些事。”她说,并把他往屋子里拉。

9.The wind nearly tugged my umbrella out of my hand.大风险些把我手中的伞给刮跑了。

10.The pttle boy ran up to his father and tugged his sleeve excitedly.小男孩子跑到他爸爸跟前,兴奋地猛拉他的袖子。