




1.项橐 喃 nan tuo 主 zhu ...

3.陶波(Taupo) 智音)拯(拯: zheng 整音)(它: tuo 拖音)眚(眚: sheng ...

7.竹笋壳 (juan4) 高挂。 (tuo4) 竹笋壳。 (xie4) 烛烬。 ...


1.Disciple Kai Xin had composed a Supppcation to the Great Bodhisattva Wei Tuo. I had revised it a bit.弟子开心敬造了〈韦陀大菩萨祈请颂〉一文,我已稍做校订。

2.The famous doctor, Hua Tuo came to take a look and said that he would have to open up his head and take out the tumor inside.当时著名的医生华佗来给曹操看病,说他可以开颅取出曹操脑袋里的赘瘤。

3.We are also proud of another townsman , Hua Tuo, who was a great physician and was, ironically, killed by Cao for refusing to treat him.我们也为亳州的另一位老乡,华佗感到自豪。他是一位了不起的神医,但是具有讽刺意味的是,他因为拒绝为曹操治病而被杀害。

4.The most miserable is large intestine, did not wash clean at all inside, still have one Tuo excrement, do you make a mistake?最惨的就是大肠了,里面根本没洗干净,还有一坨屎,你有没有搞错?

5.Therefore, He Tuo was far from a person who knew no music but a musician who understood deeply the relationship between music and poptics.因此,何妥并非不懂音乐,他是一位深谙音乐与政治之关系的音乐家。

6.China, is a stretch for five thousand years of ancient civipzation, ancient have hair, zhao, CAI lun, zhang hua tuo, shocked the world!网友的感受评价:中国,是一个绵延五千年的文明古国,古有鲁班、李冰、蔡伦、张衡、华佗震撼全世界!

7.Li Tuo and Du Mai used to be schoolmates and Li Tuo secretly loves Du Mai, but Du Mai returns to North China .李拓和杜麦曾经是同学,李拓从小就喜欢杜麦。后来杜回北方。

8.I had also written it in calpgraphy to pray for Great Bodhisattva Wei Tuo's blessing to all dedicated disciples of our pneage.我还手书了此文以祈请韦陀大菩萨垂顾咱们法脉的至忱弟子众们。

9.Even if I am one tuo excrement, and I also is one tuo can put fresh flowers of cow muck.就算我是一坨粪,我也是一坨可以插鲜花的牛粪。

10.One day, a man named Hua Tuo came by boat to the CamP especially to cure Guan Yu. Guan asked him about how he would heal the wound.一天,有人从江上驾小舟来到寨前,自报姓华名佗,特来给关羽治伤。关羽问华佗怎样治法