




1.经尿道电切术 突尼斯/ TUN 土耳其/ TUR 图瓦卢/ TUV ...



1.None of the patients suffered from transurethral resection (TUR) syndrome postoperatively .没有病人在术后发生经尿道切除术症状。

2.The general anesthesia is suitable for large bladder tumor, multiple bladder tumor or long time TUR-BT operation.对大的膀胱肿瘤或多发的膀胱肿瘤,应用全身麻醉是非常合适的。

3.To investigate the experience of TUR (transurethral resection) in therapy of ureterocele .目的探讨经尿道手术治疗输尿管囊肿的经验。

4.Mount Tai is both world natural heritage and world cul tur al heritage. Taian city has important travel resources.作为拥有世界自然与文化双重遗产———泰山这一重要旅游资源的泰安市,应该如何利用有利的条件,来发展泰安市的经济。

5.1 case was cured by conservative therapy. 1 case was found local canceration after TUR and was operated by radical cystectomy.保守治疗者1例自然痊愈。TUR术后病理发现伴局部恶变者1例,7个月后行膀胱癌根治术。

6.Objective To investigate the indications, operative method and effect of TUR for bladder cancer.目的探讨膀胱癌经尿道治疗的适应证、手术方法及其疗效评定。

7.Conclusion: The detrusor instabipty, the more residua1 urine and the weak detrusor force were the risk factors for LUTS after TUR-P.结论:逼尿肌收缩力下降、残余尿量增多和逼尿肌不稳定为导致TUR-P术后短期下尿路症状的危险因素。

8.Sometime that i exactly what hae whe thing don't tur out the way they should.有些时候事情的表面并不是它实际应该的样子。

9.Today, I bit my boyfriend's neck. I felt something squirt into my mouth. Tur.今天,我咬了一下我男友的脖子。我感觉到什么东西流到了我嘴里。结果我发现我是把。

10.Results: TUR syndrome occurred only in one case.结果:术中发生1例电切综合征。