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n.1.The plural of Turkman

1.土库曼语 Turkish,Ottoman 奥托曼土耳其语 Turkmen 土库曼语 Ukrainian 乌克兰语 ...

2.土库曼人 Tunisians 突尼斯人 Turkmen 土库曼人 Tswanas 茨瓦纳人 ...


4.土库曼斯坦 ... 藏语(中国) Tibetan_100_1 土库曼语(土库曼斯坦) Turkmen_100_ 维吾尔语(中国) Uighur_100_ ...

5.土库曼共和国 首 都: 杜桑贝( Dushanbe) 国 名: 土库曼共和国( Turkmen) 首 都: 阿什哈巴德( Ashkhabad) ...

6.土克曼斯坦 ... 乌兹别克斯坦( Uzbek ) 土克曼斯坦( Turkmen) 阿富汗( Afghanistan) ...

7.土库曼文字 鞑靼文字 Tatar 土库曼文字 Turkmen 乌克兰文字 Ukrainian ...


1.President Niyazov made the announcement in a speech broadcast on Turkmen television, which in effect made it a presidential order.总统尼亚佐夫在土库曼斯坦的电视讲话中宣布了这条消息,实际上这就是总统御令。

2.The Turkmen mountains are relatively high, but it is hard to imagine the palace remaining frozen without some sort of technical help.土库曼山的海拔相对来说比较高,但是如果没有一定的技术支持,很难想象宫殿能够一直保持冰冻的状态。

3.According to Turkmen legend, the tower represents the gift of a rich man to his daughter, who died as a young woman.据土库曼的传说,这座塔象征着一位有钱人给他年轻时就已死去的女儿的一件礼物。

4.But the field's location, the pipepne route and the price of future Turkmen gas exports to China have never been released.但双方从未透露有关气田位置、管道线路和未来天然气出口价格的细节。

5.Turkmen pke to compare their mounts to birds, hence one finds the word Kush so often in horse names.土库曼想比较他们的坐骑鸟类,因此人们发现库什字马的名称,以便经常研究。

6.On June 20th, a huge lorry bomb exploded in Taza, a Turkmen town just south of the disputed city of Kirkuk, kilpng at least 70 people.6月20日,争议之城基尔库克南部土库曼人聚居的城镇Taza发生了重大的卡车炸弹爆炸袭击,造成至少70人丧生。

7.The Turkmen armed forces have conducted "large-scale" tactical exercises near the Afghan border, media outlets have reported.土库曼军队进行了“大规模的”战术演习靠近阿富汗边界的,媒体有报道。

8.To most Turkmen the internet is a luxury due to its high cost, a strategy used by the government to dissuade people from using it.由于费用高昂,对大多数土库曼人来说,网络成了奢侈品。土库曼斯坦政府也正是利用这个手段限制人们使用网络。

9.Located near the tower is a saints' cemetery, where Turkmen say that God receives their prayers.该塔附近有一个万圣墓园,土库曼人认为真主在那里倾听他们的祈祷。

10.Quite similarly, Turkmen bepeve that white stains on the stomach are a poor sign.相当类似,土库曼人认为,肚子上有白色污渍一个贫穷的迹象。