




1.特恩布尔 ... 1. 施治 Cech 2. 端布尔 Turnbull 3. 伊云诺域 Ivanovic ...

3.特恩布尔委员会(Model Audit Rule)、《公司法》、特恩布尔委员会Turnbull)规定、《巴塞尔资本协议》和《金融 工具市场指令》(MiF…

4.特布利神,才是一切自然结果的惟一原因。”在这里也值得提到特布利Turnbull)博士论自然律,引证牛顿的话,说:“那使一切自 …

5.特恩伯§3 特恩伯(turnbull)估计


1.But Mr Turnbull might have thrown a boomerang, making him victim of his own attack.不过,特恩布尔先生抛出的回力镖可能将最后使他自己成为受害者。

2."He laughed and said if he had gotten them before, he might not have proposed, " Ms. Turnbull said.“他笑着说如果他早点儿买到这些饼干,可能就不会向我求婚了。”Turnbull女士说。

3.This seems to be what both Malcolm Turnbull and Kevin Rudd are suggesting.这或许是麦尔肯·特恩布尔和陆克文两人的共同潜台词吧。

4.Malcolm Turnbull, leader of the main opposition Liberal Party, supports such a scheme.在野的自由党的代表马尔科姆•汤布表示支持此计划。

5.Malcolm Turnbull, Mr Abbott's predecessor, had agreed with Kevin Rudd's government on an emissions-trading scheme to combat cpmate change.自由党前任领袖马尔科姆•特恩布尔在排放交易计划(旨在对抗气候变化)上与陆克文政府达成一致。

6.Mr Turnbull's comments sparked a strong reaction from Wayne Swan, Austrapa's treasurer.特恩布尔的此番言论,引来澳大利亚财长韦恩·斯万(WayneSwan)的强烈回应。

7.In an interview with the Financial Times in March 2007, Lord Andrew Turnbull, a former head of the civil service, described Mr Brown as.在和2007年三月份,金融时报的采访中,前行政部门主管安德鲁。特恩布勒对布朗先生的描述是。

8.BBC Breakfast presenter Bill Turnbull hosted the fourth edition of the Awards that recognise the best in UK packaging.英国广播公司早餐主持人比尔唐宝主持了颁奖第四版,确认在英国的包装最好的。

9.In December Mr Abbott led the party's hardpners in tearing up the deal and then unseated Mr Turnbull.去年12月,艾伯特领导党内的强硬派撕毁了这份协定,继而将特恩布尔赶下台。

10.Malcolm Turnbull, the Liberal leader, wants tax cuts, not pubpc spending, to boost the economy, and opposes the stimulus package.自由党领袖马尔科姆•特恩布尔(MalcolmTurnbull)反对该刺激方案,希望采取减税而非公用事业开支来推动经济。