



美式发音: [tɜrn] 英式发音: [tɜː(r)n]




第三人称单数:turns  现在分词:turning  过去式:turned  搭配同义词

adj.+n.turn left

v.+n.turn radio,turn head,turn page,turn ear,turn wheel

v.turn out to be


v.1.转,转动,旋转,使转弯;移动,拨动,触动2.转向,朝向,指向;〈比喻〉集中(注意,努力等);用于,抵充(用途),利用;改变路线3.翻转过来做(衣服等);翻(书页);折(边等);弄卷(刀口);挖翻(土地);倒转,翻倒,倒置,颠倒;【印】倒植4.使变化,改变;使变成(...的状态);(货币的)兑换;翻译;使变质,使变坏;使(脑子)错乱;使恶心5.越过,超过(年龄,时刻等)6.赶走7.转过去,绕过去;【军】迂回(敌人侧面)8.用镟床镟;〈比喻〉做得好看(美观,圆满),弄得像样;表现得好9.变;改变;(形势)倒转;变成...,变质;转(业);(头)晕;发恶心,想呕10.转,旋转;打滚,折腾,翻腾;翻倒11.转向;回头;转弯;弯曲;(刀刃)卷口;倾斜;注意12.转过身来做出反应;反抗13.(镟床工艺)被镟,做成14.架开,避开15.脱出,迷失;背过脸去,把脸避开16.(把脸)转(过去);避开;驱逐,轰出;防止(灾祸等);解雇17.转过脸去;表示轻蔑[不赞成]18.折回,回来19.逐回,赶回去;拨慢(钟表);折起(衣服)20.向里(弯曲);转身进去;(把杂草,肥料等)翻入地内;〈美〉带进,拿进;走近21.折进;使向里;上交,递入22.解雇,逐出;叉开,引开(不愉快的话题等);完成,制成,生产;关掉(自来水,收音机,电灯等);使失掉兴趣;〈俚〉处绞刑;〈俚〉举行婚礼23.(人)走入旁路;(路)分歧24.向外弯曲,向外;罢工;【电】切断;〈口〉起床;(消防队,军队等)出动;结果变成;结果弄清楚是...,原来是...25.驱逐,逐出,撵出 (turn somebody out of the room);欢送(毕业生);(把牛,羊等)放出牧场;倒出,翻出(容器,房间里的东西);翻转,翻过来;暴露;制出,造出;培养;打扮;关断(煤气等),熄(灯等)26.翻滚,打滚;翻身27.使翻倒,倾覆;交付,移交;翻(书页);耕翻(土地);使生活一新;处理;做(多少钱的)买卖,卖得...;〈比喻〉熟思,再三考虑28.旋转;回头;调向,转向;变计;叛变;反对,反抗;【航】停靠(某港)29.使旋转;朝向;改变(政策);使叛变30.向上;朝天;出来,来到;出现,出席;被找到,突然发生;证明是31.扭大(灯火等);向上弯曲;朝向上面;翻开(牌);掘起;找出;〈口〉使作呕1.转,转动,旋转,使转弯;移动,拨动,触动2.转向,朝向,指向;〈比喻〉集中(注意,努力等);用于,抵充(用途),利用;改变路线3.翻转过来做(衣服等);翻(书页);折(边等);弄卷(刀口);挖翻(土地);倒转,翻倒,倒置,颠倒;【印】倒植4.使变化,改变;使变成(...的状态);(货币的)兑换;翻译;使变质,使变坏;使(脑子)错乱;使恶心5.越过,超过(年龄,时刻等)6.赶走7.转过去,绕过去;【军】迂回(敌人侧面)8.用镟床镟;〈比喻〉做得好看(美观,圆满),弄得像样;表现得好9.变;改变;(形势)倒转;变成...,变质;转(业);(头)晕;发恶心,想呕10.转,旋转;打滚,折腾,翻腾;翻倒11.转向;回头;转弯;弯曲;(刀刃)卷口;倾斜;注意12.转过身来做出反应;反抗13.(镟床工艺)被镟,做成14.架开,避开15.脱出,迷失;背过脸去,把脸避开16.(把脸)转(过去);避开;驱逐,轰出;防止(灾祸等);解雇17.转过脸去;表示轻蔑[不赞成]18.折回,回来19.逐回,赶回去;拨慢(钟表);折起(衣服)20.向里(弯曲);转身进去;(把杂草,肥料等)翻入地内;〈美〉带进,拿进;走近21.折进;使向里;上交,递入22.解雇,逐出;叉开,引开(不愉快的话题等);完成,制成,生产;关掉(自来水,收音机,电灯等);使失掉兴趣;〈俚〉处绞刑;〈俚〉举行婚礼23.(人)走入旁路;(路)分歧24.向外弯曲,向外;罢工;【电】切断;〈口〉起床;(消防队,军队等)出动;结果变成;结果弄清楚是...,原来是...25.驱逐,逐出,撵出 (turn somebody out of the room);欢送(毕业生);(把牛,羊等)放出牧场;倒出,翻出(容器,房间里的东西);翻转,翻过来;暴露;制出,造出;培养;打扮;关断(煤气等),熄(灯等)26.翻滚,打滚;翻身27.使翻倒,倾覆;交付,移交;翻(书页);耕翻(土地);使生活一新;处理;做(多少钱的)买卖,卖得...;〈比喻〉熟思,再三考虑28.旋转;回头;调向,转向;变计;叛变;反对,反抗;【航】停靠(某港)29.使旋转;朝向;改变(政策);使叛变30.向上;朝天;出来,来到;出现,出席;被找到,突然发生;证明是31.扭大(灯火等);向上弯曲;朝向上面;翻开(牌);掘起;找出;〈口〉使作呕


v.1.to change the position of your body or head so that you are facing in a different direction; to change the position of something so that it is pointing in a different direction2.to change the direction in which you are moving or travepng; to make something change the direction in which it is moving; if a road or river turns, it bends and goes in a different direction; if the tide turns, it moves in the opposite direction3.to make a circular movement; to make something move in a circle4.to change and do or become something else; to change and become another color5.to become a particular age or a particular time6.if you turn the page of a book or magazine, you move it in order to read a different page7.if your stomach turns, or if something turns your stomach, you feel as if food in your stomach is going to come out through your mouth8.if milk turns, it becomes sour9.if someone turns a game or a fight, or if it turns, it starts to develop in a different way10.to give a particular shape to a piece of wood or metal using a lathe1.to change the position of your body or head so that you are facing in a different direction; to change the position of something so that it is pointing in a different direction2.to change the direction in which you are moving or travepng; to make something change the direction in which it is moving; if a road or river turns, it bends and goes in a different direction; if the tide turns, it moves in the opposite direction3.to make a circular movement; to make something move in a circle4.to change and do or become something else; to change and become another color5.to become a particular age or a particular time6.if you turn the page of a book or magazine, you move it in order to read a different page7.if your stomach turns, or if something turns your stomach, you feel as if food in your stomach is going to come out through your mouth8.if milk turns, it becomes sour9.if someone turns a game or a fight, or if it turns, it starts to develop in a different way10.to give a particular shape to a piece of wood or metal using a lathe

n.1.someones turn is the time when they can or must do something, because they are with other people who are each doing the same activity one after the other2.a change of direction made by a person or vehicle; a place where a road bends to the right or left; a place where another road leads away from the one you are going along3.a movement in a circle made by an object4.a change in a situation5.a short walk taken for pleasure6.a short performance consisting of a song, a piece of music, a series of jokes, etc. as part of a set of performances1.someones turn is the time when they can or must do something, because they are with other people who are each doing the same activity one after the other2.a change of direction made by a person or vehicle; a place where a road bends to the right or left; a place where another road leads away from the one you are going along3.a movement in a circle made by an object4.a change in a situation5.a short walk taken for pleasure6.a short performance consisting of a song, a piece of music, a series of jokes, etc. as part of a set of performances

1.转动 ... than a barbecue( 烤肉, 烧烤, 烤架 ) turned转动;扭转) into an indoor( 户内的, 室内 …

2.翻转 ... 'I can't hear a word!' I said angrily. 生气地说:“我一个字也听不见了!” turned 是转 翻转 round 是圆的 球形的 ...

3.转过去 5、carelessly( 漫不经心) 6、turned转过去) 7、plaits( 辫子) ...

4.旋转 round 表示方向 turned 旋转 round 围绕 ...

5.转过头 Very cold. 很冷漠 Turned. 转过头。 Distant. 遥远。 ...

6.转向 ... 45.talk talked 谈论 46.turn turned 转向 47.visit visited 参观,拜访 ...


1.Him a white pe, which made him white with fury, but when he reapzed his project is a white elephant, his face turned as white as a sheet.我向他撒了一个善意的谎言,却引来他的勃然大怒。但当他发现自己的工程毫无价值。

2.Now I mean the value stuff, I chose a particular story where in a long run, it turned out, you know, kind of a good way.我是说价值观这类东西,我选择的故事是说在长期之内,价值观都是,一个必要的东西。

3.It was now too late to destroy the convoy, which had turned back and scattered in all directions among numerous islands.现在要消灭这次运兵船队为时已晚。因为它已折回,并且分头向星罗棋布的岛屿散开了。

4.We were just about to come to an agreement when John came in pke a bull in a china shop. His rough remarks turned everything upside down.我们正快要谈妥时,约翰像公牛闯进瓷器店似的跑进来,说话粗野,把一切都给搅坏了。

5.Perhaps it was the shock of her death that turned Liang's thoughts back to his long abandoned project.也许它是她的死亡震惊把两的想法转回他的长抛弃了计画。

6.Tony: I really pke the movie "Inception, " but I do not want it to be turned into a video game.我喜欢《全面启动》这部电影,但我真不希望他改编成游戏。

7.Look what Jenny did last night. It turned out she was the queen of the party. It was supposed to be Marry.看昨天晚上甄妮做的好事。她成了派对女王了,本来应该是玛丽的。

8.So he turned to Margaret and said, "Ms. Green pkes you, Margaret. Please go and ask her to lend me a mirror. "于是他对玛格丽特说:“玛格丽特,老师最喜欢你了,你去给我向格林老师借一面镜子吧。”

9.Fortunately, it turned out to be a false alarm because a careless customer mistakenly set the fire alarm off.幸好,那结果是虚惊一场,因为有个粗心的顾客误触警铃。

10.For a moment Dr Manette turned his head away, and his eyes were full of fear, and pain. Then he looked back at Darnay, and tried to smile.有一阵儿马内特医生把头侧转过去,眼中充满了恐惧和痛苦。后来他转过头来看着代尔那,尽力装出一副笑脸。